thank u & bye :)

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okay, so, that was one heck of a ride lol

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okay, so, that was one heck of a ride lol. and yes, i am indeed doing a thank u bit. just really quick i would like to get sappy for a moment bc i am apparently a tree (if jackie were here she'd be laughing smh).

so, a very special thank u to my other half, my luv, my perfect duo person for every duo we can be, crackhead, soft, and everything in between, my hf cowriter, my missy, my spiderman meme; ane :) u were such a big help w this story, swearsies. this story would not be what it is without u, i really love that i could talk about this w u and ur excitement for this story never failed to have me excited for it too. every great bit of this story is bc of u, i said what i said. bits of our convos are what made pillie the great couple they are lol. i love all those memes u made and all those collages, love how u brought the most crackhead ideas that i impulsively went with and everything else. truly the best, biggest, greatest help when writing this story luv, and i wish i was better w words ugh but thank u mucho <3

another special thank u to my softies, grace and beyz my BABIES (even tho y'all are older than me lol). ily and how much u loved and kept up w this story when ur writing is so much more legendary than my own like fr fr bebby's. i am convinced that y'all are the sole reasons for why this story got the hype it did since y'all loved it sm and u can't change my mind so for that thank u. also, the fact that y'all loved this story sm makes me very soft. and also also, sorry if i made u cry heh. love u so so much babies <3

and finally, a big big thank u to all my lovely, sweet, patient readers. the biggest love for u who waited, who stuck around, who loved this story and understood the characters and loved them all, no matter how weird or crazy or frustrating they got. loved all your funny comments that made me laugh, comments that will never leave my brain lol. i love y'all the most and thank u for loving this story just as much, if not more, than i do <3

okie sooo, i was going to include questions but i decided against it bc the ending feels pretty self explanatory lol. but to answer the very main question i've been asked: no, there will not be an epilogue. sorry, but, no lol.

i would like to say tho that im very grateful for everyone who read this story, im so grateful for the attention it got and how popular it became bc honestly it really was/is going to be my most favorite story i have ever written. all the emotions felt, all the characters and dynamics created, they hold a special place in my heart, especially since there were some rough times it helped me thru lol. im sad to be parting ways with hollywood forever, but, u know, good and new beginnings can come from such endings.

again, very grateful for all the love here, thank u again if u actually read all that hehe, bye from this one - k.

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