{13} Time

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"Either you run the day
Or the day runs you"

- Jim Rohn


Nervously, I fiddle with my fingers as I watched the clock on the school wall tick as if mocking me. All of a sudden, I don't like clocks anymore. Here's the thing, time was going fast and I was 'ordered' to meet sir Jungkook at the cafe down the street for Gods know what. Hoseok may not directly ordered me, but I can tell he wants me to go or I will face the consequences.

I frowned, one more minutes until bell rings for home time. Why do Jungkook even wants to talk to me? This gonna be a disaster, he'll probably thinks I'm a clown. Even though I want nothing to do with the seven, it doesn't mean I want them to think I'm a freak.


I'm doomed. I sigh in defeat, I had no choice but to do this. As I walked quickly to the entrance, one thing everyone knows about the seven is that never like waiting and I don't want to be on their bad side anytime soon.

I walked lazily to the cafe, thinking of all the ways to start up a conversation with him or at least keep the flow going. Please no awkwardness. Should I start it up? "Hi sir jungkook, wonderful weather we're having?" Oh hell no, "Hello sir jungkook, what do I owe this pleasure?" Yeah that one good, the rules did said to be formal with them.

I didn't realize I was standing right in front of the small building. I took a deep breath before opening the door. I can do this, I can do this. I scanned the place but found that everyone was deadly quiet making me frown, my eyes instantly land on a pair of brown eyes staring back at me, angrily? At least I know why everyone was so quiet.

Nevermind, I can't do this. Hesitantly I made my way towards him. I reached the table, "H-hi sir j-jungkook, what do I owe this pleasure?" I ask and bowed.
He just stared at me, making me shift my feet. What did I did wrong now? "S-sit down" he stuttered. Did I hear clearly? The jeon Jungkook just stuttered?

I looked up to see him had a slight blush on his face. Oh my God, he is blushing he looks so cute, wait why is he blushing? I thought as I sat down, staying quiet not knowing what to do or say. "H-how was y-your day?" Jungkook stuttered once again, making me awed at him. I really didn't think, he was a shy person. "It was good,...how's was yours? I asked.

"It was great, I played some video games and slept mostly" he said. Some seconds passed...we both smiled, I don't know why but we did.

"Good evening! Welcome to the lovely café, what can I get for you?" A boy who was around our age walked up to us with a smile on his face, a notepad in hand. I studied him more closely, he was scared, he did a good job hiding it, if it was wasn't for his hands shaking while holding his pen. Lucas, his name tag read. "Uh can I get get a latte?" I said, "sure thing miss!" He said happily making me smile at his positive engery. "A-and for you s-sir jungkook?" The poor boy stuttered as I gaze at sir jungkook waiting for his reply. "The same with her's" he said coldly looking at Lucas up and down before turing to face me. All his shyness vanish right before my eyes.

"Yes sir!" The boys said before quickly walking away. My attention was on jungkook once again, I notice he was looking outside the window with a upset face making me gulp, yep I did something wrong. "A-are you okay?" I asked, worried. His eyes snapped at me, a look of sadness cross his face making me frown. "Why don't you smile... like that to me..?" He said looking down, a blush tinted on his face as he fiddling with his fingers. I was shock, what am I supposed to say? "Um..I'm not that comfortable with you..?" I said it more like a question half correct, cause to be honest, I don't what eles to say.

"Then let's get to know each other! So you'll be comfortable with me, I can get to see your smile!" He exclaimed, looking up with hope in his eyes. He want to get to know me so I'll smile at him? Wow...a handsome man like this wants to see me smile. I did say I don't want anything to do with The Seven but the look that was on his face had me questioning everything. "Sure... sir jungkook" I said hesitantly.

I don't think I want to find out if I had said no.

✿.。.:* ☆:**:. "G00d choïce, ma§ter" .:**:.☆*.:。.✿

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Sorry for the short chapter😔

I hope y'all have a good day/evening/night💕

Word count: 863

Don't forget I purple you💜

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