{40} Soulmate

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fter Kyung had left, mom had insisted that she drive me to school and I didn't complain.

"Kyung teached me some powers." I said turning to look her, watching her expression as I played with the hem of my skirt.

"Is that his name? I'll tell Rose." She said mostly to herself.

I grew scared at her words, "please don't hurt him, he never harmed me."

It was suprising but I already took him as a friend.

I pleaded, she looked unsure but she nodded, "I want to meet him though, I want to see if he's really on our side." She spoke as I slowly nodded, I don't know if he'll come back tonight or whenever.

With a sigh, I saw my school finally in view, my mom parked the car as I looked at the building in distaste.

With a huff, I kissed my mom on the cheek and got out of the car, hearing her drive off, I went inside the horrid building. I just want to sleep but nooo.

Lily was instantly by my side making me jump but soon calmed down, with a grin she threw her arm around me as we walked inside hell.

After some seconds of silence, she started to talk.

"Soo me and some girls are planning to hit the club Saturday and I'm wondering if you wanna come."

Lily said with a wicked glint in her eyes that made me feel uncomfortable.

"Nope, I'm not feeling it, I'm sorry." I said as her shoulders dropped in disappointment make me feel kinda guilty.

I had two reasons that I didn't want to go

1) Namjoon and I have a date Saturday.

2) I don't feel comfortable going. I never went to a club and I'm not planning on going anytime soon

I remember the words Kyung had said to me last night. The Unwritten Rebellion members know that I'm on Earth, I don't know for sure but what if they already know our location? What if they are planning on the right time to attack?

What if my uncle grew impatient and send his own men to search for us? If Kyung is really on our side, his sister will be even more in trouble and so will him.

So I better play on the safe side.

"Oh come on! Don't make your life so boring, you might even get laid." She said excitedly, trying to convince me but I already made up my mind, I'm not bailing on Sir Namjoon and I'm not putting people lives at risk because I wanted to go to some stupid club.

"No, I'm sorry." I said, hoping she would just get the message and drop the subject but she just kept on pestering me on it and I was starting to get annoyed.

I don't want to be rude but my gosh, why does she want me to go so badly? Like she says, her other friends will be there, she doesn't need me to tag along.

"Can you drop it already? I'm not going plus I already have something to do on Saturday." I said, trying my best to keep my annoyance at bay.

"What can possibly be more important than going to the club with me?" She said, throwing her hands up in the air.

There really wasn't alot of students around since it was quite early

I got to my locker as I got the stuff I needed, while Lily was hot on my trail, "I got a date with Sir Namjoon on Saturday." I said but instantly regretted it. I didn't really wanted anyone to know about it but at least, it was Lily I can trust her.

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