{23} Mall

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"Get in loser, we're going shopping."

-Mean Girls

I have noticed Me and Sir Hoseok was having the same classes. As soon maths class was done he asked me what class I have next and then proceeded to walk me to my next class and then sat down next to me. It was the last period of the day and I was just playing with my pen since I have finish my work earlier that expected while Sir Hoseok had his head down on the desk.

Feeling bored, I took out my sketch book. I liked drawing but school work has got me busy or either I'm not in the mood to draw anything. It's been awhile since I drew, what should I draw? A heart? A person? I don't know but a crown pop up in my head, a crown then.

|some Time after | { Idk how to draw, credit to the owner, it's very pretty. }

I was already finish with the crown but I felt something was missing

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I was already finish with the crown but I felt something was missing. Maybe flowers? Thinking I should do that but the same time bell rang signaling the end of the school day. Quickly I put away my books and my sketch before I was stopped by Sir Hoseok, "don't forget." He said making me nod, he then picked up his bag and left. Quickly walking out of the school doors, I found outside was oddly quiet. Sir seokjin is probably here.

I scanned the crowd, it wasn't difficult to find him since he literally stands out from the rest and with his broad shoulders you can't miss him. Nervousness ran through me, even though I have been meeting some members of the Seven lately, they still makes me scared, nervous. Their aura just scream dominance, power, confidence, I mean if I had looks like that, I would be confident too.

I spot him at the front of the school gate, his posture upright with a blank expression on his beautiful face. Even though, he was doing literally nothing, he still stands out. All hairs on my body stood on its ends as I neared him. I took a deep breath than spoke, "Sir Seokjin, what do I owe this pleasure?" I question quietly as I bow.

He turned his body to face me, staying silent as he stared at me blankly making me shift uncomfortably. "We're going to the mall" he stated making my eyes widen before nodding, "ok sir seokjin" I said as he hummed at my response. It was good thing I got alittle homework to do. He started to walk making me quickly follow after him, it was also a good thing I wasn't that short. I really need to exercise though.

I was staring at his back, just following him mindlessly. "Come by my side" his smooth voice rang out as he stopped walking. I follow his command and walked up by his side. He glanced at me before starting to walk once again. That's when I saw it, shinning under the sun in all its glory.

A black limousine.

My breath hitched, once or twice, I will see them on the road but never went inside one. At the conner of my eye, I saw sir seokjin was smirking at me but quickly vanish as if it was never there.

He walked up to the door and opened it, "well? Get in" He said. Hesitantly I went inside, taking a once over at the inside. Some music was playing in the background as I sat down, there was also some sweets on a stand lined up almost at the side of the door. He got in quietly, closing the door behind him, "where to sir?" The driver asked making me take notice at how quiet he was that I didn't even know he was there.

"To the mall." The driver nodded and started to drive. "Sir seokjin...w-why are we going to the m-mall?" I asked. He sighed before answering, "to buy some clothes." He said, "I want to get some new ones and I want to buy you some as well." Surprised was an understatement, "thank you but why?" I asked genuinely curious as I tilt my head to the side. "I just want to" he said, ending the conversation.

After that we quietly rode in silence. After 15 minutes, the driver spoke up, "We're here" he said and parked the limo. Sir seokjin opened the door and waited for me, before I got out, I thanked the driver he just smiled at me, "it wasn't a problem Miss Hyun, he said. "Let's go" Sir seokjin said making me nod as we walked inside the mall side by side. All the people who recognised him bowed their heads and stayed silent walking past us quickly. The seven is probably use to this by now.

Suddenly he stopped making me halt as well, I looked at him curiously waiting for an answer. "You can call me jin oppa or sir Jin" he said, I gulped but nodded, "ok sir jin" he hummed once again, "which store should we go first?" He questioned as we walked further into the mall as he scanned the stores. "There it is!" He said pointing to a sign, I jumped at his excited voice, clearly wasn't expecting that. I looked at the store sign, 'Givenchy.' It wrote in a fancy font.

He looks so cute when he's excited. He turned to me, "Let's go in" he said grabbing my hand and pulling me inside the fancy looking store. We walked in, there were two girls at the counter chatting away but when they saw us, more like him, they instantly stopped and just stared. Me being polite, I spoke "good evening" I said. They snapped their heads to me, now realising that I was here, "good evening" the girl behind the counter replied but her tone was monotone and cold while the other was busy staring at sir jin. Ignoring her tone, I follow Sir jin around the store watching him pick out shirts, pants. I learned that his favourite colour was pink since he was mostly picking out pink shirts.

He was currently looking at hoodies, "I wonder if they have any in pink" he questioned to himself. As if on cue, the same girl who didn't say good evening to us appeared. "Hi! How can I help you?" She said, a bright smile appearing on her face.

He just glanced at her, "no maners" he scoffed then turning back to the hoodies. I looked at him in confusion then realised she didn't bow to him when she was suppose to. Quickly figuring out what he meant, she bowed, "my apologies, Sir seokjin" she said, her voice wavering.

He looked back at her, his eyes following her, "do you have this in pink?" He asked his voice deeper. "Y-yes, do you want to get one?" He nodded, "I'll be right b-back" then she dashed off. He sighed and turned to me, "do you see anything you like?" He asked, I shook my head, "no.." It was true, sure the clothes are pretty but it's not my style. He nodded, "that's ok, there are other store we can try." I never liked when people buy things for me, I'm thankful but I feel bashful and bad for making them buy things.

"We don't need to-"
He cutted me off, "I bring us here to shop and we're not leaving until I bought you enough clothes" I can't help but smile at him, maybe he's not that bad that people said he was? Then again, we only met today. "Thank you" I said he just rolled his eyes at me and turning back to the clothed.

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I'm feeling sleepy rn.

Hope you have a good morning/evening or night 💕

Word count: 1326

Don't forget I purple you💜

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