{22} After School

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*Time skip to next week*

I was currently walking to my math class, I haven't seen any members of the Seven, there was also rumors about me being with one of the members or I was working for them. I sighed, whenever I go to talk to someone they either ask me how it feels to be in the world dangerous mafia. Don't get me started with the real gang members, some comes to the school and whenever I pass them in the hallway or in class, they will always stop in what they are doing and stare me down like hawks.

Lately I've been getting the feeling that Lily was ignoring me, every time I asked her if she wanted to hang out, she will always turn it down even when going up to talk to her, she's been giving me short replies. I was worried for her but also hurt that she was ignoring me, I wanted to know why. I've been hanging out with Hyeon and Miley. I was so deep in thoughts that I ended up crashing into someone.

"Sorry!" I said looking up only to be faced with Hoseok. I gulped and quickly bowed. He looked at me with a cold gaze, making me look down at the ground.

"What's on your mind love?" He questioned making my heart beat increase. "Uh..nothing sir Hoseok" I said quietly, since I was near the lockers, he backed me up against it as I kept my head low. I was grateful that few people was here and was too absorbed in their conversation to notice us. He put both hands on both my side's, trapping me in his arms. "What's on your mind love?"

He repeated, his face coming closer to mines. "Just friend problems" I said breathlessly. "Tell me." I tilted my head in confusion, I think I saw his eyes flashed yellow for a second but I wasn't sure, as if I was in a trance and couldn't control my body, I told him about Lily ignoring me. I couldn't help it, it was as if I was forced to say it. Hoseok hummed in reply, "what class do you have?"he asked, I blinked my eyes in surprise, dumbfounded at what just happened and impressed how easily he changed the topic.

"Maths" I answered honestly. "I have that class now, let's go" he said, stepping back little and started to pull me towards the direction of the classrom. I let him drag me as people watch us with a shocked expression making me slightly frown. We arrived in class making everyone that was present snap their heads to us. Noticing sir Hoseok, they bowed their heads respectfully. I lowered my head, my cheeks burning, feeling shy for some reason. Maybe it was the fact that everyone was bowing, but they wasn't bowing to me.

I felt eyes on me, making me look up to see Hoseok was watching me with a strange look in his eyes, noticing I was looking back at him, he quickly looked away and scanned the class room. Once again, he started to pull me, his grip was strong around my wrist as we stopped in front of two empty seats. Guessing he wanted me to sit down, I did just that.

The same time bell rang, signaling the starting of class. Hoseok sighed loudly and sat down with a bored look in his eyes. Same though. "Jin wants to meet you after school." Hoseok stated, his tone alittle harsher. I stilled, sir kim seokjin...the oldest out of the Seven, people who have met him said at first glance thought he was the kindest in the Seven but they thought wrong. Very wrong. He was sadistic, the strictest in the Seven, yet the most elegant. A lot of people hated him though because he acted 'royal' I mean he does looks like a Prince.

They say he held too much confidence in himself, that he was self-centered, but you can't trust rumors.

"Did you hear me? Phoenix!" Sir Hoseok yelled out to me, making me snap back into reality. "Oh..sorry sir Hoseok" I bowed my head. He sighed, "Just don't be late." I nodded, on the outside I looked cool like a cucumber but on the inside I was freaking out.

♡ third person pov♡

The red haired girl tremble in fear as the tall male looked angrily in her direction. "I asked for black not orange!" The male said, anger lacing his voice making the girl flinch. "I've told you since last week, I wanted it to be black! It's good that we still have time to change it, the event will start in 2 weeks."

"What I cannot understand is how can you mess this up Abby? He question, rubbing his temples in frustration,
"It m-must h-have slipped my mind, Sir Seokjin. Please forgive me" Abby said. Seokjin frowned at her response, "I have sent an email to you, in detail." He stated. Abby was lost of words, he didn't lie, she saw the email but didn't wanted to do it. She wanted to know what was so special about her.

"Phoenix said she like black, that's why I wanted the dress to be black." Abby frowned, "what's so special about this Phoenix girl? She's not that special." The red haired girl scoffed, her anger getting the best of her. Before she could've comprehend what was going on, she found herself laying on the ground, her cheek burning as she shakily bring her hand to her face, shock and fear clearly evident on her face.

He had slapped her. Looks like the slap had brought back her common sense since she was currently begging for forgiveness. Still on the ground seokjin kneeled down until he was face to face to her, his expression blank making the girl gulp. He roughly grabbed her hair making her wince in pain.

"She is definitely more special than you, know your place" he said, venom in his voice. He finally released her hair making her sigh in relief. "Go change it." He said, getting up, leaving the room that they was in. Abby place her hand against her chest, feeling her fastly beating heart beat. Knowing to never anger Sir Kim seokjin.

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I'm sorry for not updating...school has got me busy :(

Word count: 1091

Hope you have a good morning/ evening or night💕

Don't forget I purple you💜

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