{6} color

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My breath hitched and my heart beat speed up. What exactly did he told her? Why is she walking towards me? She looked at me with lust and adoration filled in her eyes. I gulped when she stood in front me.

Looking at her, she was beautiful, her creamy skin complimented her raven hair with blue eyes, making me get lost in them. The cafeteria was dead silent once again, waiting on her next moves. She held out a hand to me, signaling me take it. Confusion dawned over me as I look over at Lily, she shrugged her shoulders, her confusion matching mine. Hesitantly I slowly put my hand in her slightly smaller ones.

She smiled at me before guiding me to the seven table. My heart beat increased as we neared the table. My hands started to shake from nervousness. The girl noticed and squeezed my hand lightly as if trying to ensure me. We reached the table and I saw there was an empty seat. Did they planned this? The girl moved back alittle and let go my hand. She nodded her head at me, telling me to sit down, I sat down not know knowing  what to do in this situation. The seven payed no attention to me. All their attention was on the girls in front of them. Jungkook who was the closest to me, leaned down and whispered in my ear while the girl grinding on him was moaning out his name. "Enjoy the little slut we have for you." He said to me huskily before moving away,  his gaze still on me as he grabbed the girl breast who was on top of him. My slut? The fuck is he on about?

Before I could comprehend what was happening, I felt warm lips on my neck. I gasped in shock as the girl who guided me here was softly biting on my skin, neck kisses is my weakness.
She moaned out as if she was in more pleasured than me.

I gulped as she trailed kisses to my jaw back down to my neck, leaving her lipstick imprint for the whole world to see. I was enjoying this way too much than I should be. She slowly climbed on to my lap, moving my hair to the side to give her better access. Suddenly she started grinding on my thigh, moaning out my name, "miss Phoenix~" She said in pure bliss as she tried her best to kiss my neck once again but failed. Damn

I noticed the cafeteria was still silent everyone staring at us. I forgot we was here...
I saw the maknae line had a smirk on their faces, sometimes glancing over at us, while I still don't know about the other four. I can feel myself getting wet as she called out my name, she leaned down and whispered in my ear "m-my name is R-ruby" she said breathlessly.
I nodded my mind clouded in lust. I wanted more. Suddenly the Only thing I could've see was the colour purple. The color clouded my vision quickly that I didn't have time to comprehend what was happening. Surprisingly I wasn't panicking, I was at ease.

As if I was bring guided by a powerful force, I put her on the table making her sit upright and spread her legs. I Slyly moved her panties aside and pushed a finger in her. She stilled and threw her head back in pleasure. I fastly pumped my finger inside her, loving her expression she was making. Where did this confidence came from?  I looked around the table only to see the seven was following my lead and fingering the girls. I pushed another finger in her she yelped as she hold on to me for support. I never did this before, how am I suddenly knowing what to do? I tried to pull back but something wasn't letting me do so.

Suddenly I jumped in surprise as I felt the coolness  from eariler wrap around my neck and lightly squeezed me softly. It moves like a snake, I thought to myself. The 'snake' moved between my breasts before slowly going down lower as if teasing me... It reached my core- "students! I am here to in-" the vice principal busted through the door with a smile on his face but quickly turned into a frown as he took sight what  was in front of him. As if I was being knocked out, I came back to my senses and realized what I was doing. I instantly pulled my fingers away from her, making her loudly whine in protest.

I frantically looked around the table only for my gaze to land on taehyung who had an annoyed expression while looking at the vice principal, while the others wasn't giving a damn in what was happening around them. Shakily I got up "I-I'm sorry" I told Ruby before dashing off, passing the vice principal who looked shocked to see me but also scared at the same time. Not giving a glance to anyone, I ran straight to the girls restroom.

Scanning the room, no one was inside. I sigh deeply and slowly walk towards the sink, I splashed the cold water on my face, making me calm down a bit. The door was suddenly opened revealing a panting Lily who looked like she ran a mile. "I-I really n-need to work out m-more." She said trying to catch her breath.

I stayed silent not knowing what to say and watched Lily walked towards me. She grabbed me by the shoulders, "do you want to tell me anything? Is something bothering you?" She asked me softly. "I.....really don't...know" I said truthfully and shook my head. "I really don't know what happened back there, it was as if, I was being controlled.." She sent me a confused look but nodded.

"Don't freak out but you'll will need to know this" she said looking into my eyes, I tilted my head but didn't say anything. "At the table...you looked...different." "what do you mean?" I asked, I looked different? She stayed silent looking at me with worried eyes, then she opened her mouth to speak slowly. "Like you're hair turned even more black, if that's possible and your eyes...." "my eyes what?" I ask clearly wanting to know what happened to my eyes. And my hair turned darker? I don't think that's normal, right..?

She took a deep breath before answering, "Your eye color wasn't brown anymore.....it was black."

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I desided to change jungkooks eye color in chapter 2 when I said his eyes shone gold I change it to "jungkooks eyes shone grey as a smirk appeared on his lips."

There is a reason why I put her eye color as black😉

Sooo I hope y'all having a good day/evening/night lol

I don't want to put all the actions in this chapter, wait alitte, some of the real fun starts next chapter😇

First time writing something sexual lol sry if it's bad.

Word count: 1213

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