{28} Courage

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Sorry for this but can you guys read back chapter 27? I made some important changes when Phoenix and Hwan was first 'talking.' That's the only changes I made.

Just want to make sure you guys understand before you get confused 💕


Queens II

Listen to me, girl,
You have castles inside your bones,
Coronets in your heart,

If he threatens you with battle,
You raise him a whole war,
The last time I checked,
Queens cower before no man.

- Nikita Gill.


Warning 《 Bullying 》
I will put this ✔ to show you that it's finish.

My eyes widen in surprise at the sight before, I clearly wasn't expecting that. The four boys had Hwan roughly pushed against the lockers, as they raised him up and slam him back against it. None of them notice me as I looked around for a teacher but didn't find any, I frowned.

"Disgusting, worthless, pathetic" that's the words the four boys repeated at Hwan who had kept silent the whole time, taking the pain. They started to kick him repeatedly, and grabbed fist full of his hair making him wince in pain. "Why are you even here?" One of the boys asked, giving him a kick.

《 ✔》

Each hit and words made my blood boil, I never knew Hwan that long but I know no one should be treated like this. "Stop it!" My voice rangs out in the silent hallway, I was honestly surprised at how loud my voice got.

The four paused, thankfully stopping and turned around to face me, I gulped. I made eye contact with Hwan, his eyes were red showing that he was crying. My jaw clenched at the sight, one of the guys scoffed looking at me up and down, "fuck off bitch, go back to the seven" the guy said.

I took a deep breath, trying to calm myself. "Did you already get tired fucking the seven already? Wow" the shortest one in the group said. I notice they were coming closer to me as I looked at each of them in their eyes, I wasn't going to back down even though I was afraid right now.

"Let go of him" I said and I was surprised I didn't stuttered this time. One of them let out a short laugh, "and what if we don't? Are you gonna cry to the seven?" He asked.

I didn't get time to answer since I was roughly grabbed by two of the guys.

Warning 《 Violence》

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