{37} Trust

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The movie has ended and Jungkook was back being his child-like self again, Taehyung had unexpectedly turned back on the lights making all of us groan in annoyance and tried to shield ourselves like vampires.

Walking back out from the cinema room and heading to the elevator, I realized that I will have to share it with all the members of The Seven. Stepping inside, there was surprisingly enough space for all eight of us. Yoongi was on my right while Namjoon was on my left. I'm not short, but compared to Namjoon.....I rather not say.

Jimin pressed the button of where we wanted to go and I could've felt the elevator moving once again and we all fell into an awkward silence-well I think so.

Suddenly I felt something warm touch my hand, making me look down and saw Yoongi playing with my fingers as if it was the most interesting thing in the world. After playing with my fingers for a few seconds, his hands covered mine, making me realize that he wanted to hold hands.

Taking the courage, I held onto his hand as I unknowingly played circles on his hand with my thumb, it had become a habit when my mom use to do me it.

Unknownist to Phoenix, a ghost of a smile appear on Yoongi's face, happy that he was holding her hand. He instantly recognize the gesture that she was doing. Her mother, the empress use to do the same thing to them when they were stressed when they were kids.

Holding Yoongi's hand made my heart race like those sports car as a blush made it's way up to my face. Suddenly I felt someone wrap their hand around my waist, snapping my head to the side, I saw Namjoon with no expression evident his face but yet he had his hand wrap around me. Well I didn't expect to be in this situation- I mean who would? Holding Yoongi's hand and Namjoon wrap they hands around you? I never would've guessed.

The elevator stopped and all eight of us walked out, "I think we need to talk about something, Yoongi escort Phoenix back to the living room." Namjoon suddenly ordered as Yoongi took my hand more confidently as we walked through the corridor.

Making sure we were too far to hear,
Jin chuckled in amusement, "he was being so shy in the elevator but now he acts bold as if we didn't just saw him." Jin stated making Hoseok revealing his 'heart like smile.'

Yoongi had given me the remote and said, he didn't know how long are they going to talk, so for me not to die of boredom, he given me it.

Switching through the channels, I found Spongebob and decided to leave it there but my mind drifted off, what were they talking about?

{ Third Person POV: }

The six of them sat in silence in Namjoon's office waiting for Yoongi's arrival.

After moments of silence, the office door finally opened revealing their long awaited brother. "What's this about?" He asked as he took a seat next to Jimin.

Namjoon leaned back into his chair and spoke, "there's going to be a grand party soon that we will be holding, do you guys still think it's a good idea to invite Phoenix?"

He questioned as the room fell into deep silence, everyone in their own thoughts as Namjoon waited for their opinions.

Seokjin was the first one to break the silence, "I think it's a good idea, The Dark Lord didn't assassinate her that night and now he's trying to teach her powers, so that be good in the time of need."

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