{15} Emotion

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"Feelings are just visitors, let them come and go."


Breaking myself from my daze and head to the bathroom to freshen up. Carefully I slowly took off my clothes, trying my best not to let the frabic touch my skin where the drink was spilled. Grumbling to myself, I walked into the shower and let the warm water beat down on my skin as I close my eyes.

Out of all the girls sir jungkook could've meet up with, he wanted to meet me. Stupid, there are better girls and boys than me. I thought to myself as I latter my skin with soap and then wash if off. Stepping out from the shower, I walk in front of the mirror, ready to see the burn marks but shockly saw nothing.

When she spilled her drink, it land by my chest, thighs and little by my stomach and I knowed it would leave a mark but nothing was present. Was it not that hot? Frowning, at least I don't need put no ointmemt on it anymore. Shaking my head, I quickly put on my clothes and headed outside to do my homework.

You didn't notice your eyes shone white.

Third person pov:

Jungkook had tried his best to mask his excitement, knowing he was about to meet you in a few minutes. His hands started to sweat and his 'heart' started to pound faster as he saw you walk into the café. He couldn't believe that he was in your present, unknownly he straighten his posture as you nervously neared the table. He almost groaned in pleasure at the sound of your voice. He was happy that he got to be his friend and stopped himself from almost jumping in happiness when you had said yes.

He really was excited to play video games with you and watch Iron man. He was proud to know that he was the first one out of the seven to know what's your favourite colour and other stuff. Seeing you smile at the waiter so warmly made his heart beat as he watch with a small smile tugging on his lips but quickly turned into a frown realising it wasn't him you was smiling at, you was smiling at the waiter. He didn't wanted to ruin, the time they have together but his mood remained sour until you started talking. He completely forgot about the waiter and enjoyed his time with you.

He was on a mission. His mission was for you to smile at him. When you had said you wanted a latte, he wanted to get it as well, he don't know why but just need too.

You was about to smile at him but all was ruined by Ava. He would've took his gun and pointed at her but he knew you was there and didn't do anything....yet. He don't care if other people was there but you, it was different. He wanted to know, if you were hurt, angry or sad, if it was anything of that sort and it was related to Ava, he will make her feel all those emotions 10x worse.

He was just waiting for your command

Your pov:

"Finally!" I cheered and packed away my books, startling midnight, who was laying on my bed to jump and glare at me. "Sorry" I said and petted his head who purred in reply.

Mom had already came home and was preparing dinner for us. Every time I asked her if she needs help, she always said she almost finish. She had teached me how to cook when she knowed she'll be back home late. "Y/n, come and eat!" I heard her shout, "okay!" I replied and quickly went through the halls but stilled when I saw a picture. My father.

He had went missing but I was too young to remember what was going on, the only thing I remember was mom and aunt Rose was sitting on the couch as mom cried and aunt Rose tried her best to console her late in the night. The last words I remember leaving aunt Rose mouth was, "he will be back." it has been hella lot of years, he sure taking his time coming back. I always heard my mom telling me that he's a great guy, and was the best father but she never told what happened to him.

"Y/n, if you don't come down here, I'm letting midnight eat your food!" Mom said threading me making me gasp as I quickly ran down the stairs and sat down in my seat. Mom looked at me with a surprised expression, "I think that's the fastest, I've seen you ran" she said with a teasing smile on her face. "You always tell me, food is important" I said with a strug.

"I have teached you well" mom said as she served my food along with hers. We ate comfortably in silence until I broke it. "Mom..." I trailed off gaining her attention since she looked up. I'm going to tell her about today, What happened with sir jungkook. I can't keep a lie like this. And why would I?

"Sir jungkook..had wanted to meet me at Lovely café" I said hesitantly as I watch her expression. "I went...I asked why he wanted to meet me, he said he just wanted too." I said after some seconds, "did he hurt you?" She said, looking straight into my eyes, I shook my head, "a girl did though...when I was having a conversation with sir jungkook, she spilled her drink on me" mom frowned.

"It could've been an accident" she tried reasoning. "She was too close to me, for it to be an accident" I said, "did she apologize?" Mom ask, "yeah but she looked proud of what she done." I said as I finish eat.

"After that, Jungkook made me borrow his jacket..his jacket, I forgot to give it back to him!" I face palmed. "That was nice of him, make sure you give it back to him though." Mom said sternly, "After that, he walked me home" I said as I got up to wash up my plate.

After doing that, "I'll be heading upstairs" I said and was about to go up but was stopped by my mom. "Make sure and be careful" mom said worryingly, making my eyes soften, "I will try my best" I said and walked up stairs along with midnight who appeared out of no where and was following me.

I laid down on my bed and midnight was trying to make himself comfortable by my side. I should really be careful about Ava, even though it was just a drink she spilled on me, what's her deal though? I've done nothing wrong. Stop thinking about her, I wonder if I'll see Jungkook tomorrow at school?

Third person pov:
*After jungkook had walked y/n home and was at the seven home.*

"Well, how was it?" Jimin excitedly asked. Jungkook didn't answer and was staring off into space with a small smile on his face, replaying the events with you.

The Seven were currently in their living room, waiting for Jungkook answer, some seconds passed Taehyung finally grew tired "Jungkook" he growled out with his deep voice making jungkook instantly snap out from his daze and started to tell his hyungs about what happened today with you.

The 6 boys were jealous that he got to be your friend first but kept their temper at bay, wanting to know the rest. "Everything was going fine, that's until this bitch Ava Miller, spilled her drink on our Phoenix." Jungkook spoke annoyed recalling back that memory. After jungkook had spoken, all heads snapped up in anger. "Is Phoenix hurt?" Jimin asked, "to be honest, I don't know that's why I'm going to school tomorrow to see" Jungkook replied.
"I think she did that on purpose." He said with a frown.

"Wait, Taehyung wasn't Ava Miller the one you slept with at the party?"Jimin asked as all heads turned to him making Taehyung strug, "I'm not good at remembering names, maybe if I see her face." He replied. "I thought you were saving yourself for Y/n?" Hoseok asked while shaking his head. "I was...but at least I'll be experience to please her right, I don't think she'll mind." He said with a smirk on his lips.

"Enough of that, Jimin find out everything about this girl and reports back to us." Jungkook said as Jimin nodded and left.

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Hope yall have a good day/evening or night💕

Word count: 1452

Don't forget I purple you💜

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