{19} Smiles

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One smile
Can't change
The world, but
Your smile changes mine.



I smiled at him making him smile back with his box smile making me break out into a huge grin. So freaking cute. "Why are you smiling?" He asked, going back into his blank expression. Damn. "Uh..um...Your smile is b- beautiful..it made me smile." I said shyfully, looking down as my cheeks burned. He stopped walking and came In front of me making my heart beat speed up.

He lifted my chin up with his slender fingers as I gasped in surprise, not knowing he was this close to me. I didn't make eye contact with him, making him growl, "look at me baby" he said with his deep voice making my legs grow weak.

I had no other choice so I looked him. "Thank you, but your smile is more beautiful." He said looking serious as my cheeks grew red. He suddenly smiled at me and took a step back before walking forward, leaving me baffle as I try to calm my fastly beating heart. I look up to see he had stopped walking, his back facing me as if waiting for me to catch up. I speed walked, catching up to him who glanced at me with a smile on his face before chuckling.

"Have you ate?" He asked as we slowly walked, reaching up by a big tree where a blanket was spread. He planned this? "N-no" I replied, "Sit down then, it's not much but I only packed sandwiches" he said with a shy smile, rubbing the back of his neck, "you didn't have to do that Sir taehyung, I'm fine with anything" I said making myself comfortable and sat down, sir taehyung watching my every move before sitting besides me, making me tense at the close proximity when our shoulders brushed against each other.

"Do you want to eat now?" He asked, "no, I-I don't feel like eating right n-now" I said, he frowned but didn't say anything. I said something wrong, didn't I? I was cutted from my thoughts when sir taehyung laid down, closing his eyes.
His red hair shine brightly, almost blinding me, my eyes trailed down to his face, I noticed he had a mole under his right eye, also a next one on his define cheek, followed by an another one on his little botton nose making awe at him, he literally so unique. I don't know what to stare at, his lip ring, the tear tattoo on his right cheek or his fluffy red hair that I really wanted to run my hands through.

"Do you want to touch it?" His deep voice snapped me away from my dream land making me stare at him in confusion, titling my head. "Do you want to touch my hair?" He rephase, pushing himself up on the tree. "I-"
"It's okay if you want too, come on, touch my hair." He said, point at my hands that layed on my lap. Hesitantly I raised my hand, slowly bringing my hand to his head. The moment my hand touched his head, he groaned in pleasure, making me jump in shock, pulling my hand but was stopped by him.

"Keep it right there." He growled, my heart beat increases as he put back my hand on his head, guiding my hands up and down as his eyes close his pleasure? I don't know what took over me but all I could've see was red but it faded away for me to see Sir taehyung smirking at me? I think. Suddenly I gasped when I felt the coolness ran through my body like a snake, it went down to my breast giving them a squeeze before trailing down to my stomach, down to my thighs. My mouth was slightly agap at the pleasure. "Mhmm~" he hummed, as sir taehyung took me by the hand and yanked me up and place me on top of him that I was straddling him, he was still leaned up on the tree, he put his on my back, holding me in place. He groaned as my cheeks turn bright red, knowing I was right under his crotch.

"Run your fingers through my hair..please" sir taehyung told me. Obediently I do what I was told and slowly ran my fingers through his hair making him groan. "S-sir t-taehyung-"

"Yes my queen?" I looked at him with a shocked expression, suddenly my head started to hurt making me remove my hand from his hair to massage my head.
"Phoenix? Phoenix!" I gasped and looked frantically around the place, my eyes landed on sir taehyung who had a concerned expression on his face, I noticed he had his hand on my shoulder that was slightly shaking me. "Calm down Phoenix, I'm right here" he said calmly rubbing my shoulder in a confronting manner. "I-I, you were-"

"Are you feeling okay?" Sir taehyung asked me, his hand still on my shoulder, "um, I-I don't know" I replied as I calmed myself down, "Do you want to go home?" He asked, looking straight into my eyes, "Yes, I would like that" I said. "I'll walk you home" sir taehyung said as he got up, holding out his hand to me. Shyfully I took it, he gave me a small smile before we started to walk....our hands were still together.

I'm really holding hands with sir taehyung, oh my gosh. My heart is pounding so fast right now. Calm down Phoenix, I'm probably the only one that is freaking out right now, just look at sir taehyung, he have a a calm expression on his face.

"I'm sorry for ruining our time at the park" I said feeling guilty, everything was peaceful until I ruined it. He shook his head, "you didn't ruin anything and at least I got to hold your hand." He said with a cheeky smile on his face, making me slightly blush. Issa good thing that the place is dark right now, he didn't have to see me blushing.

After 15 minutes of walking in peaceful silence, sir taehyung broke the silence. "We're here" he announced, spreading his arms. I slightly smiled, "You didn't have to but thank you for walking me home." I said as he turned his body until he was in front of me. "You're welcome" he said, "I-I should go now" I said as Sir taehyung nodded, staring straight into my eyes making me look down.

Nothing else to say, I bowed and walked past him and walked up to my porch but turned around only to find Sir taehyung staring at me, "Thank you for today, I-I had a lot of fun" I said quickly as I opened the door, "good night" I said, "good night Phoenix."

The way he said my name, made my legs turn jello. I smiled at him before slowly closing the door and walked up stairs to my room with my heart still racing that I think sir taehyung could've heard it by now.

Walking into my room, and was about to change my clothes, I went over to close the blinds but only to be met with sir taehyung staring up at me with no emotion on his face. My breath hitched in surprise, I thought he was gone. We stared at each other for some seconds before sir taehyung raised his hand and waved at me, flashing his boxy smile my way. I gave him a small smile and waved back.

I saw him turn on his heel and walked away. I watched until I couldn't see him anymore before closing my blinds and sat on my bed.
That was...something.

Thinking I should change, I head to the bathroom, as I was taking off my pants something fell out from the back pocket and landed on the ground. Confusion written on my face, it was a black card, one similar to sir taehyung's to give him access to the garden.

I picked up the card and turned it over.

Phoenix Hyun
Access to: WonderLand Garden and Royal Park.

Did he really gave me access to the Park and the garden? Damn..what did I do in my past life to deserve such luck?

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Thanks for reading❤

Hope you have a good morning/evening or night💕

Word count: 1421

Don't forget I purple you💜

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