{4} eyes

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I recognize him as Kim taehyung, my mouth fell agap at the sight of the two, Kim taehyung is also part of the seven...

I recognize him as Kim taehyung, my mouth fell agap at the sight of the two, Kim taehyung is also part of the seven

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I'm gonna be sitting next to them? I could've handle one of the members but not two more.  I signed, I looked up only to find them staring straight at me, I quickly lowered my head and walked to my seat, trying my best to ignore them, I sat down quietly. My hands started sweat once again as I pulled out the books that I need. Once getting everything, I leaned back in my chair, trying to calm my fastly beating heart once again. I closed my eyes letting the a.c. calm me down. After a minute or so, I opened my eyes.

I nearly fall back when I notice the two was staring at me, even if the long hood was covering their face, I can still feel their stars burning into me. Suddenly the door swing open, causing my attention to go the door, revealing our teacher with a
bright smile on his face. "Good morning class!" He said cheerfully, clearly not seeing the two hot hooded figures. I smiled at him, this was the only teacher I liked, he was carefree, funny but when it comes to work, he's serious if only other teachers was like that...

I noticed that the two was still staring at me, no once moving their gaze, I swear I saw red flash under Jimin's hoodie. I held my breath as they took off their hoodies at the same time instantly I notice they both had a tattooed tear drop their cheek bone, my eyes locked with taehyung, I turned my head to the side only for my gaze to lock with Jimin. He smirked at me before biting his lip, as if I was in a trance, I leaned closer to him. "Alright class! Turn to page 105" the teacher said loudly, making me jump, bringing my gaze away from jimin to Mr.William. "After reading, answer those questions, I'll give 40 mintues" he said after sitting down on his chair.

I started feeling the dizziness again, what the hell? Why do I keep on feeling like this? Do I need to see the school nurse or is it  just I haven't eaten as yet? I didn't realize that everyone was already writing down answers. I look back down at the book, seeing I have hella lot to read. Fuck..

Suddenly I started to feel a cold sensation run through my body, it was calming, a blissful sign escaped my lips and closed my eyes. I felt comfy, relaxed as the coolness traveled to my legs, arms and chest, it stayed awhile on my chest before going behind my neck like a snake slithering up. The coolness traveled back down to my right arm, wrapping itself around my arm and giving it a squeeze as if a warning.

My eyes opened back up, feeling relaxed as I blinked a couple of times to adjust to the light. I looked back down to my book only to see the question answered. I tilted my head to side, I didn't even read the book as yet, how did I answer these?  Do I need to see the doctor?

I looked up to see taehyung looking at me with a pleasured expression?? His eyes darker than ever but yet still shines with wickedness. He leaned closer to me, "Taehyung" jimin on my left called out taehyung's name as if alarmingly. Taehyung sighed but pulled away before licking his lips, staring at my thighs that was slightly opened.

Unconsciously I closed my legs but two hand on each side of thighs stopped me from doing so. I gasped, but no one heard. "Don't" they both said in usion. I gulped but surprisingly had the strength to nod back at them, not really wanting to find out if I said no-wait did I had a choice at all right now?

I thought when I nodded, they would've pulled away, but they didn't. Their hands stayed rooted on my thighs while they write their answers. "Times up!" Mr. William said, "put your books on my desk and-" he checked his watch "go for lunch" the same time bell rang.

I was about to stand up like everyone else but Jimin's and Taehyung's hand thighting on my thighs, telling me to don't stand yet. People who passed by us, gave me a confused look, knowing I always be the first to dash off to eat. I just gave them a forced smile as they walk away.

As soon everyone was out side expect me, jimin, taehyung and Mr.William, I let out a breath, I didn't know I was holding. "William" jimin called out lowly, giving my thigh a squeeze. I tensed up at his justure but tried to compose myself before he notice. William instantly snapped his head towards us and quickly walked in front of our desk. "Give him your book y/n." Taehyung said closely by my ear that I can feel his breath on my skin, I flinched at the sudden closeness but didn't said anything.

Shakily I give Mr. William my book and gave him a small smile. He smiled back me, when he reached to grab my book I saw his hands tremble. He's very good at hiding his fear. "You may leave" jimin said, quickly he left the room, I don't blame him.

Once again, I was met with silence. I gulped not knowing what to do again.
Jimin hand started to rub my leg in a up and down motion, sending shivers thought out my body.  "Do you have something to eat?" Taehyung asked. I kept my head down, "n-no I will buy something" I said nervously.

It's not very pleasant when you're in a room with two hot strangers, alone. Let me remind you they are part of the most dangerous mafia there is and can snap your neck in a second if one wrong move, I took a huge breath at that thought.

It doesn't makes it better when you don't like talking to people, only God knows how am I still alive right now after all, I've met the makane line.

Jimin hummed, "you may go y/n, get something to eat." He told me as he licked his lips staring straight in my eyes.  he didn't have to tell me twice, I dashed to the  door, almost tripping over a table foot, that was when I slowed down a bit, too embrassed to look over my shoulder. I reached the door but at the conner for my eye, I saw something glow white...

What you didn't notice, that taehyung and jimin eyes were pitch black, smirking as you closed the door, while taehyung moved back the table to its original place by the flick of his hand. "You can't run from us little one" they both said in usion. That look alone can send the bravest men running for the hills.

"ɥɔʇıq ɹno ǝɹ,no⅄"


ᴇɴᴅ ᴏғ ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ💋

Sooo we met the makane line, I wonder who we'll meet next?🤔

Word count: 1201

Don't forgot I purple you 💜

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