{29} Chills

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Staying quiet doesn't mean I've
Nothing to say. It means I don't think you're ready to hear my thoughts.

Lazily I looked around my classroom, thinking back when I talked to the principal earlier. He just asked me to explain what had happened and then gave me some warnings and told me I can leave which made me confused. I expected to get in trouble but nah, looking back at it, I saw the principal wasn't even looking into my eyes as if I was one of the seven-

Stop thinking like that, even the seven mafia members is get in trouble. I straightened my back, after school I can call mom to see if she will agree to let me go by Hwan, I wonder how he's doing? I thought to myself.

I jumped in surprise when the bell rang signalling class was finish. I walked out of the class room, seeing a swam of students rush past me like bullets trying to get to class. I didn't notice I bumped into someone on accident making some papers that was in the person hand fall to the ground. "Sorry, sorry!" I exclaimed, going to the ground to help pick up the papers along with person who I'd recognize as one of the teachers, I can't remember their names.

"It's okay Phoenix." She said, as we both raise up, giving her the papers that I had in my hands. I notice she wasn't looking at me, she was looking down at her paper. Damn am I that ugly that no one want look at me? "You should get to class" she said making me nod as she quickly walked off. I frowned, maybe I'm thinking too much about it, it's probably nothing, right?

|𝑻𝒊𝒎𝒆 𝒔𝒌𝒊𝒑
After school.|

I have finally reached home, it was quiet as always knowing mom is still at work. Thinking I should call her, going to ask if I can go to Hwan.

Mom: "Phoenix did you reach home?"

Phoenix: "yeah, I called because my Science teacher assigned us a project to do in pairs."

Mom: "I never like to work in pairs or in a group, for me it's better to do it yourself." I heard her sigh on the phone, probably thinking back when she had school group projects.

" Let me guess, you're going to ask me if you can go to your friend house, right?"

Phoenix: "yeah! Soo can I go?

Mom: "what's this person name?"

Phoenix: "his name is Hwan kim"

Mom: "Hwan Kim, Hwan Kim...hmm, alright you can go Nix, call me if anything." I have to go now, I'll see you later love."

She said and hanged up. I didn't expect for her to let me go, weird. And why was she muttering Hwan name under her breath as if she knows the name? Stop overthinking things, damn.

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