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I smile at the large group of Asgardians before me. "And this brings us to The Reformation. Remember when I told you how the church said you could basically buy your life into heaven? Well, Martin Luther was like 'No. That's not right.' and he posted a list of 95 Theses on the church doors. This started a whole revolution, splitting the members of the church into two groups: Catholics and Protestants. And in Paris, France, 1572, a massacre broke out. Plotted by Catherine de Médicis and carried out by Roman Catholic nobles and other citizens, the St. Bartholomew's Day Massacre killed about 3,000 Protestants in Paris and about 70,000 in all of France," I point to my hand drawn map I spent hours on this morning. "Midgard has a long history of genocides, massacres, and wars."

"All between it's own people?"

I scratch my eyebrow nervously. "Uh... Yeah. We didn't even know other realms until recently. I see Loki out of the corner of my eye. He's watching me teach.


"Simply put... We can't agree on anything. Religion, politics, ethics, land, money, trade." I take a deep breath. "Next topic on our Big Points Of History, is the Seven Years War. It was also called the French and Indian War. It lasted exactly 6 years and 8 months. It was mailed my between New France," I point on the map, "And Great Brittan," I point. "The American Natives were allies to Brittan, which is why it's called the French and Indian War. A lot of people died, the French lost, and then they all signed the Treaty of Paris. Which didn't work to keep the peace in Europe for long. Over across the pond, England starts forcing America to pay a lot of taxes. America doesn't want to pay England anymore, so that starts the Revolutionary War. France becomes America's ally and helps them win the war. That caused France to go really broke. This causes another revolution. The French Revolution was when the commoners of France, led by Robespierre, revolted against the king and queen and thier nobles because they began to tax them viscously during a financial crisis. During this Reign of Terror, they used a guillotine to publicly decapitate them," I explain, using my hands. "As tensions grew, the people of France got angry with Robespierre. He, along with 21 others, were arrested and executed by guillotine without trial. After a while, Napoleon Bonaparte became Emperor of France. He led a small cluster of wars under his reign. He was an aggressive ruler. People didn't like this, so they banished him to this tiny island off the coast of Italy. He soon returned so they banished him again to a father away island," I point St. Helena. My watch on my wrist beeps. "Well, that's all the time I have for today. We'll pick up with the Latin American Wars of Independence tomorrow." I smile and walk away from the group.

"Well, that was educational," a hand grabs mine and spins me around.

I sigh and look up at the man. "Loki, you were supposed to help me teach this lesson." Disappointment covers my face.

"Ah, but you're a much better educator than yours truly," he gestures to himself.

Something is different about him. He's... cockier, if that's even possible. I narrow my eyes at him, "What is going on...?"

He looks flustered for a second before brushing it off. "Nothing. What's going on with you?"

"Okay..." I just stare at his face, trying to read what he's hiding.

He puts his hands on my shoulders and bends down to my short height. "I assure you, nothing is going on." He can see on my face that I don't buy it. He sighs softly. "I came to tell you that Valkyrie is looking for you."

"Valkyrie?" He nods. I skae my head and step away from him. "If this is another one of her surprise attacks where she drunkenly tries to body slam me, I'm gonna be pissed."

He laughs, remembering when that exact thing happened.

"Dri, come quick!" Thor yells.

My feet pound against the floor of the ship. "What is it?! Is someone hurt?!" I skid to a stop in the doorway. I see the smiling faces of Hulk, Loki, and Thor all watching me. I hear a battle cry to my right, so I turn to see who it is. Before I can see their face, I'm slammed on the ground, a brown tuft of hair that isn't my own lands on my face. "Valkyrie?" I groan, rolling my side when she stands up. She smirks down at me and takes a sip out of her bottle, which she surprisingly didn't spill a drop of.

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