Chapter 16: Love Me

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Hello everyone, I just want to thank God and all of you for all the love you have given to my story so far :). It is unbelievable that this story has reached over 22K reads :). I never imagined this would have been possible and it wouldn't have been possible if it wasn't for God and all you readers who read this story and spread the word about it. I want to thank God and all of you from the bottom of my heart :).

I have written two new chapters, so please do read this chapter, which is Chapter 16, and Chapter 17. I am emphasizing Chapter 17 because the last scene may bring a dramatic twist in the story, so please do not miss it :). These two chapters will answer some questions from past secrets.

I am so sorry for the delay in the update and thank you everyone for waiting patiently for this update. I have been very busy with graduate school applications and I am very nervous right now what the results will be so, please do pray for me that I get into a school soon :). I purely wrote this update while I was going through a lot of stress and anxiety regarding a particular school I applied to and its potential future results, so I apologize if this update has errors or you may not get a feel or like this update because I was quite emotional when writing this update since I had nerves from applying to grad school and I am not sure if I did justice to the story and characters.

Um...this update is bringing a major twist in the story and I am very nervous how all readers will react, but I have a plot in mind and each and every scene has a meaning. These two chapters will answer a lot of your questions which I hope will be answered. Moreover, the last scene in Chapter 17 may be hated or loved...I am definitely nervous about your reactions. So, I am hoping for the best right now :)

Please feel free to give positive and negative feedback as I feel this update of two chapters will bring in a wide range of opinions. I apologize in advance if I may have screwed up the plot line.

Also, please do read the first chapter of my new Shivika story: The Bond of Love and Hate. I really want to know if I should continue this new Shivika story. Thank you :)

URL Link for my new Shivika story:

If you wish, please do follow me on Twitter as my username is JasmineDarcie

Thank you for reading and if you wish please do upvote and give feedback :) Also, please let me know if you have liked the songs I chose so far in this update because I am not sure if you like the songs or not. I have worked really hard to find the right songs, but please do tell me if you like them and feel free to give suggestions :). The songs add more emotions and feelings to the scenes, so if possible and if you wish, please do listen to the songs while reading the scenes :).


I have written two chapters, so please do read this chapter and the next chapter which is Chapter 17


"Tell me you love me..." I whispered lightly against his ears as I wrapped my arms tightly around him. His hands laying lightly against my waist as I felt his cheek brushing against the side of my face.

"You are my everything should know that...that is a testament to my love for you..."He spoke softly as his lips lingered against the tips of my ear.

My cheeks slowly began to burn up as a rush of heat went to them. A faint smile appearing on my lips as my hand traced the edges of his black shirt as I placed it against his chest. My eyes latching on to his gray-blue eyes as he looked down at me.

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