chapter twenty - i'm your son?

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"sisters!" peter exclaimed to stephen as they were at the kitchen. tony was making coffee, processing the new information, also that peter was calling natasha aunt nat, but still called him mr stark. he wonders if he was just shy, or out to annoy the heck out of him.

peter on the other hand, was elated to find out about seven. she wasn't alone anymore. she didn't need to fear of not being safe, because the black widow was her sister!

stephen took the paper and read the dna report carefully. they didn't speak of how they got hold of natasha's dna. either way, she would kill them if she found out. "sisters..." stephen whispered. in the short two months that seven had been with them, he had gotten closer to her and treated her like his kid, or mentee, and even taught her quantum realm stuff. heck, she could even create a portal now if she wanted to.

"how in the world did you get my dna?" natasha questioned as she looked at the report that stephen was holding. stephen whipped around and kept the report behind his back, while tony spoke, "well... a number of ways.. but it's best that it remains unknown." he ended off the sentence with a short smile before whizzing to the living room, dragging a red peter by the arm. the magician followed swiftly behind.

"peter. benjamin. parker..." natasha walked into the living room slowly, a small smirk on her face. "y- yeah?" peter peeked out of the couch and gave her a guilty look. he knew it was not going to end well if she found out how they got her dna. tony and stephen were whispering to each other cautiously, looking up constantly to see if natasha was nearing.

before she could even say another word, the lift door opened, revealing three kids and their mother with wide faces. the kids ran to natasha quietly, wanting to surprise their father. their mother smiled and waved at tony. while this was all going on, peter on the other hand, felt his spider senses tingling and immediately looked up to the source.

"uncle clint? are you up in the vents again?" peter asked, still looking up while kneeling on the couch. all of them heard a thump and a yelp before a familiar voice replied, "no...?"

clint heard laughter from below and groaned. he was supposed to pull a prank on peter for natasha, but he obviously could tell from his spider senses. reluctantly, he opened the vent opening and climbed down, to be met by a push and fell to the ground. "i got you!" a kid crawled up and hugged him tight.

"w- what? hey guys!" clint took awhile to process everything. all three kids running up to him with hugs and his wife, his beautiful wife, in front of him again. he had been away from them for two months now since the first hydra invasion to make sure that everything was settled in manhattan. the kids pulled clint up and nathaniel crawled up to his chest and hugged him tight. lila and cooper sat together with them and caught up with clint.

meanwhile, laura was introduced to peter and stephen by tony and natasha, totally forgetting about the dna report. "this is stephen, an avenger, brilliant with quantum realm stuff, and neurosurgeon," natasha introduced stephen to laura and they shook hands. laura jumped as she saw the cloak of levitation wave at her too. "it likes to do that, i apolo- gise..." the cloak pat stephen's head and they all laughed.

"and this is peter, he's... my son," tony placed an awkward arm over his kid's shoulder and said. "i- i'm peter parker, nice to meet you mrs barton," peter shook laura's hand awkwardly with a small smile. "i've heard clint talk about you two. it's amazing to finally meet you guys," laura smiled warmly and said.

"mum, mum! look!" cooper pulled his mother to the kitchen to look at the manhatten sunset. "i'm sorry, i'll just be a minute," laura said as she was being pulled along. it was the kid's first time at the tower since clint always wanted them away from here as much as possible to prevent danger.

"i'm your son?" peter looked at tony, who still had his arm over his shoulder, he was fangirling internally while still a little shocked that tony just called him his son. natasha and stephen left the room to give the two of them some space.

"of course kid. i adopted you, and you changed me so much. i wouldn't call anyone else my son other than you," tony looked at him and said, "well unless i do have a son with pepper but yes. you are my kid, peter." before tony could even continue rambling on, he was hit with a huge embrace and a soft "thank you" from his kid. it warmed his heart as he felt a wave of emotions overcome him.

"you're welcome."

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