chapter twenty four

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tony showed natasha the dna tests and scans that he and stephen did over the past few days. the scans alone were spread into four separate holograms. papers and test results were sprawled all over the large work table in front of them.

hologram 1
brain scan shows only half of a brain.

hologram 2
an insert for a chip was found attached to the left side of the brain. it can be detachable. from scans, it can be seen that the chip included names of people, places and terms. it was removed some time ago.

hologram 3
family. dna reports shows possiblity of a sibling and parents.

hologram 4
no special powers found. past injuries/illnesses include: pneumonia, throat infection, cuts on arms and legs.

"this, we know, is you. and your parents, of course," tony pointed to the third hologram and said, "due to her past injuries, she is taking a longer time to recover. no superpowers found from tests though... which is something that we need to find out soon. then we can train her up and-" "train her? no i don't think that will be great," natasha cut tony off, and he gave a confused look.

"fury would want us to do that for the kid. it'll help her," he says. natasha took in a deep breath, thinking about how receiving training had led her to such a mess she was in. she was doing all this now to rewrite her wrongs. but this kid did nothing wrong. she's innocent, not like herself. nothing like her.

"what if she already had trainings?" she asked, looking at tony. "already? you don't mean..." "yeah, at HYDRA, like bucky. maybe not to become a super soldier, but like... like a lab rat," she said, cringing slightly at the words lab rat.

"tony! tony! t- dad... sorry! it just slipped," peter said, arms in surrender as he held the stark pad in his right hand. "what's up kid?" tony asked with a smile , both him and natasha looking at him.

"i found something that you guys might want to see," he walked forward and connected the stark pad to a hologam with ease. natasha looked at tony in surprise, while he looked at her with a smirk and a look that said hell yeah he's my son.

"look!" peter exclaimed as an excerpt of a document flashed on the hologram. it was a document from HYDRA.

"kid you hacked into HYDRA's database?" tony exclaimed in shock, he couldn't wrap his head around what he was looking at. "it was really easy actually... there were some flaws in their firewall," peter smiled and said.

natasha, on the other hand, was looking at the information on the hologram. "tony, the experiments they did on her," she whispered, "she was only four..."

injections, brainwashing, experiments on her blood, you name it, they had done it. her document was over twenty five pages long.

"tony- woah," pepper stepped into the lab in shock, "is this..." "yeah it is. the orphanage was a hidden HYDRA base. the kids were all taken in by HYDRA, supposed to be experimented on, but seven and the older kids took it in for them. the older kids were all experimented on before, that's why jeremiah took up the gun so easily," tony said, realising all that was happening.

"and the headmistress?" pepper asked. "part of HYDRA too, she's a scientist for them," peter said, showing the profile of the headmistress.

maggie richards
age: 58
status: lvl 9 scientist
posting: manhattan orphanage

"she's dead... right?" peter turned to natasha and asked, "aunt nat? she's dead... right?" natasha jumped out of her trance and rushed out of tony's lab. tears threatening to spill out.

"nat? nat!" clint jumped down from the vents and ran up to natasha, trying to catch up to her as she started running down to the hospital wing. "nat," clint whispered to her, grabbing her shoulders and turning to face her, "calm down." "clint i could turn into the hulk now i'm not joking. i need to see her, let me go," natasha warned.

"okay... then i'll go with you," clint opened his arms and made natasha go before him.

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