chapter twenty six

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stephen looked at the people wearing tuxedos in front of him in confusion. many people come to the stark industries, sure, but rarely in big groups. he recognised one of the men in the group: agent phil coulson.

they had met on several occasions, but never had any real talk. he usually looked calm, a smile on his face, ancient captain america cards in his pockets just in case cap had the time to sign them. but today, his crumpled inner white shirt, messy hair and dark eye circles said otherwise.

he was looking flustered as he stood before a bunch of other men, trying to stop them at where they were. stephen counted five, at least. it was hard to see when he was looking from behind the wall. still no sign of seven... hopefully she's still upstairs somehere.

seven counted nine of them in total. all wearing tuxedos, but seven of them carried hidden weapons. the two that did not, were agent phil coulson and agent maria hill. she knew the anesthetics have yet to wear off, since she couldn't read any of their stress points. it came off as blury words that just made her feel dizzier.

"agent coulson. agent hill."

seven turned to the direction of the voice. it was coming from a woman that exited from the elevator. pepper potts. she walked hurriedly to the two shield agents with a worried smile, then dragged them to the side.

"what are these people doing here?" pepper snapped. seven leaned closer behind the wall to hear what they were saying. "they're looking for someone, pep," agent coulson said. "someone," agent hill warned, her eyes widened as she said.

seven turned her head slightly to see the seven men near the gantry, looking increasingly impatient. she knew what was going on. the raid at the shield base was unsuccessful, hence they were waiting to raid the avengers tower.

"attack," one of the agents behind the gantry whispered in russian.

seven's head snapped towards a figure running towards the two agents and the CEO of stark industries. without a thought, she ran and got in his way before he could attack anyone, causing the both of them to tumble across the floor.

seven groaned in pain as the man had falled over her. she tried to shift him away, but caught his eyes. long black hair, monotonous eyes, metal arm. she gulped, eyes widened, as she realised who it was.

the winter soldier.

he snarled at her before standing up, getting ready to attack. with confused eyes, she gave him a look, before realising what he wanted to do. she turned back to see the three of them safe, and dr. stephen hiding from view. she nodded at them before turning to face the winter soldier.

"ready," the winter soldier hissed in russian. seven looked at herself again, realised she wore pants under her gown thank god, and said back in russian, "ready."

"go," the same man whispered to the winter soldier in russian, but seven heard it too. using her senses, she dodged hits and gave some to the man in front of her, causing him to stumble back a few steps. he regained his composure and ran up to her again.

"bucky, i know you're still in there," seven said calmly in russian as she dodged a few hits, "they're just in your head. you can overcome it." she tried to go into his mind, but it was blocked.

"ouch," seven said idly as she got hit on the shoulder with the winter soldier's metal arm. "bucky... come on. i miss you!" seven exclaimed, "peter and i miss your food." she brightened as she saw his eye twitch.

"come on bucky! clint misses his prank buddy, and natasha wants her training buddy back too!" she exclaimed as she dodged his metal arm before giving him a punch in his chest, causing him to stumble.

"kill. no mercy."

the winter soldier looked at his hands, refusing to comply with the orders of the man. "you can overcome it! i know you can," seven exclaimed, standing at where she was in case he moves. "steve misses you the most," she said in the last attempt to help him overcome everything in his mind.

"steve?" bucky looked up and stared into seven's eyes. it's okay now. you're okay now. seven said in her mind to bucky. bucky's eyes widened as he look at seven. she spoke to her through his mind?

seven gave him a nod and a smile, before he turned around to see the seven men behind him. wanna help me out? he smirked. with a smile, both bucky and seven ran up to the men and tackled them easily, eventually tying them up to the pillars and chairs around them.

bucky looked at seven with a wide smile on his face. it was long since he felt such a deep sense of fulfilment. by then, all of the avengers in the tower were at the lobby, looking at the both of them with wide eyes and confused looks on their faces. agent coulson and agent hill settled with the seven men easily, the avengers helping to bring them to a van after taping their mouths shut and tying their hands with handcuffs.

seven turned to look at bucky as the avengers brought the men to the van. the smile on bucky's face made her happy too. during her stay in the tower, it was hard to find a happy and wide smiling bucky barnes.

james buchanan barnes
age 100
bucky barnes/ the winter soldier
> steve rogers <
> hydra | winter soldier programme <
> world war II <

the anesthetics have worn off, she could tell. and bucky's status and stress points were back! only if she could clearly...

"seven!" a voice exclaimed, footsteps drawing closer, "no... come on."


"sensory overload. she's too weak, sir. the fighting took most of her energy. she needs r..." she could hear someone say, before she felt herself floating and the world went blank again.

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