chapter thirty three

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the exhibition had started, and crowds of students burst into the hall. mj, ned, peter and seven joined their class, and started the exhibition with steve's booth.

"hi everyone, i'm steve rogers, also known as-" "captain america. i see you all the time on the tv in detention," devon, one of their classmates said dryly. "anyway, at our booth, there's..." bucky jumped in and took over. neither of them had seen the squad in the midst of the crowd of students. they started their booth and allowed the students to play some games while they explained the mechanics to others who were more interested.

"i can't seem to grab their attention," peter said as the four of them stood at the back. "i know how to. gimme a sec," seven smirked and said, making the three of them turn to her confused.

bucky, bucky, bucky, bucky, bucky!

they saw bucky's head turn in all four directions as steve was talking, making them laugh. bucky, on the other hand, was confused. he clearly heard someone speak to him. but after awhile, he finally got the cue.


hey uncle buck!

where are you guys!

at the back, the crowd's too big.

they say bucky smirk, whispered something into steve's ear and disappeared from view for a moment.

i'm gonna scare peter. you with me?

of course i'm in.

get him to face the other direction.

"hey peter! i think mr stark's at the back, look!" seven turned around and pointed at the other direction. he turned to see, getting excited to meet his dad, while bucky sneaked up on him. "peter parker!" he exclaimed and pat his shoulder, making peter yelp and jump around. "i thought you had the peter tingle," bucky laughed. peter groaned, "it's not the peter tingle uncle bucky. it's spidey senses."

bucky brought them to the other parts of the booth as steve continued to talk about their booth. "i'm still surprised that sam would be here. he's been lazing at home after missions and stuff," he said as he brought them to scott, vision and wanda's booth. "how did you manage to grab his attention?" mj asked seven, and she returned it with a sheepish smile.

they wanna know, uncle buck

seven told bucky as she walked beside him, making mj even more confused. "i guess it'll always be a mystery," bucky whispered and they laughed.

"woahh," ned freaked out as he saw the iron man suit. 3 of them. tony was busy talking and explaining stuff to the students with stephen, so they decided to wait for it to end before talking to the heroes.

"remember the qna later!" tony exclaimed and flashed his reporter smile as the students left. the five of them walked towards tony and stephen, and the latter smiled. "if it isn't my favourite kids," tony exclaimed, "sorry about what happened the other day at the tower. it's what happens if you make enemies."

after the exhibition, the kids had a qna with the avengers. flash didn't cause much trouble since he was embarrased by his spider man like pajamas. the kids asked some really tough questions, and afterwards tony introduced the challenge rules to them. each class could choose from 14 challenges and complete them together. they are allowed to split in group of 4-8 depending on the class size. the winning class would be determined by how good their contraption is, teamwork, design and practicality. they have two weeks to come up with it before the avengers come back again to look at it.

after the avengers had left, the kids headed back to class to have an hour of discussions before heading back home. happy grumbled as peter and seven went into the car. he had been waiting for two hours since the avengers left.

peter rambled to happy about what happened today in school, while seven looked at him through the front mirror. happy gave her a look, and she returned it, making him smile. she spent the rest of the car ride to the tower listening to peter ramble half-heartedly, while zoning out.

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