chapter eighteen - dreams and reality

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hello! few things to take note before you start reading:
1. this scene starts with an anxiety filled flashback, but you can skip it if you feel uncomfortable with it. you can start when you see the next set of bold texts!!
2. this chapter is kinda where seven realises who she is to the other avengers like stephen and natasha.
3. the italics later on in the chapter are basically what her mind receives when looking at the people in front of her.
4. seven is a little stressed and overwhelmed so if you're not comfortable with that you can skip to the next chapter!

she woke up again, her vision blurry,this time to find herself in a bedroom.

what can she see? she looked around, a bed, picture frames. what can she feel? the bed was comfy, the blankets were soft. what can she smell? chemicals, strong chemicals. what can she hear? beeping: monitors.

in a split second, everything was clear to her again. her ears rang as the smells around her hit her like a truck. she sat up, trying to grasp everything that was happening around her.

"you're awake."

she whipped around to identify where the voice came from, but she couldn't find it. "h-hello?" she heard herself say. her voice was nothing but a whisper.

"who told you to speak?!" a man's hands were on her neck, choking her, out of nowhere. she struggled to get out of his grip, attempting to pull his arm away, but to no avail. "h- h-" she tried to shout but the man pushed her further into the bed, his eyes wide and his smile evil.

end of flashback (':

"no... please!" seven jolted awake, but was instantly met with a warm feeling on her right arm and what felt like a thousand needles pricking into her chest.

"hey. i need you to lie down slowly for me, okay?"

she whipped around to identify where the sound came from, but she couldn't find it. she looked down to see the IV drip being pulled out of her arm again, and felt her body wrapped in bandages. "h-hello?" she heard herself say in between the hot tears rolling down her cheeks, as she continued to look around at where she was at.

"hey seven, i need you to take deep breaths for me," a calm voice said from in front of her. seven gulped and pulled her knees to her chest, cowering into the corner of the bed. wiping her tears furiously, she tried to ignore the loud thumping of her heart. orange sparks soon appeared in front of her and soon a man came out of it.

he looked familiar, with the cloak and costume, the streaks of grey hair and the goatee. but as he walked towards her, she continued to scoot to the end of the bed, till there was no where else to move. "hey seven, i'm doctor stephen strange. do you recall?" the man asked cautiously from a distance. she looked up at him again, trying to recall.

doctor stephen strange.

orange spark. kamar-taj. cloak. cloak. cloak.

"doctor stephen strange..."

stephen strange. the avengers.

"doctor stephen..."

orphanage. shield base. danger.

"doc'r ste-"

jeremiah york. mckay mcguire.

"plea- please make it stop..."

deceased. deceased. deceased.

a high pitched scream engulfed the room, alerting the two spies and a spider of possible danger. they ran down to the ward and slammed the door open. expecting to find a bunch of hydra agents, they turned to see a teen rocking back and forth on a hospital bed, with the cloak of levitation wrapped around her, and a mystical wizard hugging her tight.

"ma- make it s- stop... please..." she begged as stephen continue to wrap his arms around her, "you're okay now, you're safe. we won't hurt you." natasha went forward and sat beside seven as stephen slowly let go. "hey seven," natasha gave her a small smile and held her hand. seven looked into her eyes, but instead of looking at her status, she saw something else, felt something else.

hand, soft. smile, warm. eyes, green.

she could read her like a book.

natalia romanova.

her past.

red room. ballerina. assassin. spy.

her alias.

black widow. shield agent.

her relationships.

aunt. friend. sister.

"sister," seven whispered under her breath, then looked up at natasha again. natasha gave her a confused look before seven spoke up again, "s- but you can't be... no..." natasha was confused, what was this kid talking about? seven let go of her hand and held on to her head, looking around at where she was at, on the verge of tears again. "i'm going crazy," natasha heard her whisper.

but before she could even do anything, the door swung open and revealed a very excited peter parker.

"you won't believe what we found out!"

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