chapter fourty seven

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please seven. help me.

they- they got me. please. help me.

it's the same guy who came to the tower.

seven jolted awake.

uncle bucky? where are you? are you okay?

seven got out of bed but sat down immediately again. "flipping heck," she sighed and pulled out the IV drip needles from her arms.


uncle bucky stay with me. talk to me c'mon.

bucky managed to tell her the location and she sprinted out of the tower without hesitation after changing. thank god natasha was taking a shower. her wound still hurt, but it didn't matter. she had to save bucky.

she was in a comfortable pair of jeans and an oversized hoodie, padding down on her sore spots to make sure she doesn't injure herself again. she took a cab to the location - twenty minutes away. but when she looked up...

jerard's elderly home.

how ironic.

seven got out and said to herself.

seven, you here?


seven entered the home, to see a bunch of elderly men and women going about their day. her mind brought her to bucky, whose name was barely visible. she opened the door cautiously, to make sure that she wasn't setting any traps.

that was when she realised.

the whole set up was a trap.

she looked into bucky's mind to realised it had been infiltrated again. you're going to pay for this. bucky yelled into her mind, making her stumble back. he was breathing heavily at the end of the room. seven had tried this out before - to reach into other people's minds (mostly bucky) and grab the remaining consciousness they had of themselves to bring them back to their usual selves.

but this would be different, because she had to fight.

"i am so tired," seven exasperated. she swore to herself that she was not going to fight ever again after this.

it was just bucky and seven in a tiny room, and it took fourty five minutes for seven to enter bucky's brain again, all while fighting with a super soldier.


and that made bucky stumble back.


"me too." bucky slumped against the wall, heaving, looking at himself. seven tried her best to block part of bucky's brain to stop the HYDRA people from infiltrating his brain.

james buchanan barnes
age 100
bucky barnes/ the winter soldier
> steve rogers <
> hydra | winter soldier program <
> world war II <

"we need to go," seven said as bucky stood up. she flinched as bucky lunged towards her and hugged her, but quickly hid her pain away. "i know a way out," bucky whispered. "c'mon, let's go then," she said as they let go, and they began to run to the nearest main road.

bucky and seven took a cab back to the tower, both looking distraught. "thank you for not giving up on me," bucky whispered. seven, who was trying hard not to show any pain, looked up at her fellow mind reading comrade. always welcome, uncle buck. she said it with a smile, and bucky could feel it. though the rest of the ride was silent, it was a peaceful silence both of them had longed for.

"oh geez," seven fell onto the ground upon reaching the tower. bucky helped her up as quickly as he could, bringing her to the benches. she lifted her shirt to see that her wound was ghastly, and she was most probably having an internal bleeding somewhere.

bucky asked if she was okay, and if she- "need help- dr steph'n-" he immediately called for stephen to come down, meanwhile pressing on her wound. "seven, can you hear me?" bucky asked, trying to calm her down. she nodded her head, but he could see her slipping out of consciousness. he decided that they should communicate through their minds, like they always did. (fun story for another time. stay tuned).

how's the pain? from one to ten.


strange's coming down right now. hang in there okay?



stop pacing. you're getting really fuzzy.

"how do you know i'm pacing?" bucky raised an eyebrow. "i know." seven whispered and gave him a small smile. bucky shook his head while trying to calm himself down too. just then, stephen and a few nurses were seen rushing down the elevator and towards them.

he lifted up her shirt to see the wound, both bucky and him giving each other a grim expression. they carried her up to the stretcher before rushing her back to the operating theatre. bucky, on the other hand, headed back to the tower to have a rest. he was exhausted from all that had happened.


steve was the first one who saw him and rushed towards the man, embracing him tight. peter, bruce and clint were on the couch watching the both of them. bucky would usually smile and give steve a hug too, but this time he didn't.

he gave steve a small smile before saying that he needed to head to his room. all the other avengers watched him closely, then turned to steve, who was as confused as they were.

bucky felt extremely guilty for what happened. how could a kid be so selfless?

uncle buck?

yeah kid?

stop feeling so guilty. you're fine. i'll be fine.

bucky sighed. sitting on his bed, and looking up at the ceiling. he shut his eyes just as someone knocked on his door.


steve is different from the other avengers, but sometimes he's just like them too. he's still his best mate, that hasn't changed. recently though, bucky started keeping more things to himself. he was afraid that if he and steve were to talk like they used to, HYDRA would use the information steve told him to hurt the avengers, peter and seven. and hurting the kids was the last thing he wanted to do.

"hey buck, you alright?" steve asked as he walked towards his best friend. before he could answer, another familiar figure barged into the room and yelled, "james buchanan barnes, what happened?!"

it was natasha. not just any natasha. angry and worried natasha. she paused and look at steve and then back at bucky, who was feeling really nonchalant about this situation. she rushed down the hospital wing to find seven, still confused as to what happened.

"we should call a meeting."

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