Soulmate AU - Sejun Nase

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An AU world where soulmates have their first sentence spoken to each other tattoed somewhere in their body and once they meet each other it will burn and light up. And oh, also humans believe that if they passed the age of 24 already and they haven't met their soulmates they will only have a one in a million chance of meeting them. 

Your POV

(Y/N) ran her fingers over the tattoo under her belly button.

"Oh crap," she read it again just like what she usually does whenever she sees it.

"Bakit naman 'oh crap' ang sasabihin ng kolokoy na yun? Sus. Nakaka-curious tuloy kung anong sitwasyon ang kalalagyan namin pag nagkita kami," she mused thinking of various scenarios that would make her soulmate say those words.

Maybe she'll spill coffee on him? Or he'll accidentally bump into her and she'll fall down in a puddle of mud? Alas! She'll never know and can only imagine until the time has come. 

She lowered her shirt and started to fix herself because today she'd be facing one of her largest stepping stone for her career. For today, she was hired to be a Master of Ceremony in a wedding reception held somewhere in Tagaytay and it is a wedding of one of the most sought P-pop idol, Sejun.

John Paulo or widely known as Sejun was facing his father with a grimace on his face.

"Dad, do I really have to do this? I mean, c'mon. I just turned 25. You can't marry me off immediately! What if I meet her all of a sudden? What would I do?" Sejun can't remember how may times he had this conversation with his father ever since he had his birthday.

"Look son, you have heard a lot of girls say "Good evening, Sejun" to you and yet you haven't found her. You're 25 now, the chances of meeting her is pretty much non-existent. You see son, I don't want you to end up alone kaya nga diba we had an agreement na when you have not found her before turning 25 then you'll have to marry Gianna," his Dad, answered him.
He let out a frustrated sigh and face palmed.

"And when you do meet her, which is very unlikely, we'll cross the bridge when we get there."

"Bakit ba naman kasi sa dinami-dami ng mga babaeng nakakasalumuha ko not a single one of them is my soulmate," he ranted angrily on his mind.

He really does not want to be married to Gianna, not that she's not a good person or a good wife-material but because he wants to marry the one who really is destined for him.

"Remind me again why I agreed and signed that agreement Dad," his father just chuckled knowing that he won the conversation again. Sejun grabbed his coat and stood up from his seat unconciously touching his tattoo on his shoulder blades.

The wedding ceremony was done and everyone now proceeded to the wedding reception held in Tagaytay Highlands, it was already 6 in the evening. The pavilion was full of celebrities and elite people who are close to the two celebrities. The media was not allowed to the wedding ceremony and reception because Sejun wanted it to be private and less annoying than it already is.

The place was decorated white and black, again it was Sejun's decision, but the rest was decided by his now wife, Gianna. The newly wed couple sat on their seats up on the stage smiling happily, well atleast Sejun was pretending to be happy.

The reception officially started when (Y/N) took the microphone from the coordinator as she fixed her ear piece. She went to the side of the stage and did her usual spiel every time she handles a wedding reception. Everyone was having a good time exept for Sejun but of course no one noticed that... except for (Y/N) and it made her wonder and feel very bothered. 

The reception went according to what was planned but (Y/N) still can't get rid of the heavy feeling inside her since she noticed the groom's gloomy aura. She cannot do anything about it so just tried to not give attention to it. The program then proceeded to the part where she has to interview the couple so she walked closer to the stage and approached Sejun first. 

"Good evening, Sejun," she said over the mic, instantaneously Sejun's shoulder blades burned which made him clutch it. "Oh crap," the groom muttered looking at her wide eyed and making her eyes go wide too because she felt her belly button burn as well.

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