Chapter 19 : Shady past Shiza?

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About a month passed since the marriage date, and Zuhaan and Shiza were still point zero, in fact the relationship had went more down the hill. Zuhaan had grown sourer than ever, angrier with every passing day and colder with every passing hour. Parvez was witnessing all of this, everyday for straight one month, and had started to regret his decision big time. All he saw was Shiza, sad. Every morning she came down after Zuhaan had rushed his way out without breakfast. Shiza's only happy moments were when Zaid was home and she spent time with him. That was the only time she laughed to her wits or cried her heart-out. Zaid was the best she had, or she could ever get, she always thought. Room on the first floor had become less of a bedroom and more of a prison, with two prisoners held against their choice. The people in the house had stopped seeing Zuhaan. Shiza was the only one who saw the most of Zuhaan, who probably did not want it that way. The environment of Seraj Villa had become gloomier than ever. The clouds above the Villa were usually dark, less of light in the house, and the month of November, was as it is Gloomiest for everyone in the house.

The month of November, was not a very friendly or the favourite month of the Seraj family or anyone in Allahabad who witnessed 17 November 24 years ago. It was still fresh in peoples mind, innocent people lost their lives, death and darkness everywhere, Allahabad was burning. In just about a few hours, Allahabad lost a fight of humanity against evil. Parvez lost too. Shiza also hated November, she had different reasons though, 4th November, was her Birthday, the day she lost her mother, who died while giving her birth. The same day her father suffered a massive heart-attack, as big a tragedy heart-attack was, having at that young age made it worse. Shiza was always sad on her birthday, blaming herself for their deaths.

However, her birthday was not the only reason that Shiza hated the particular month. 15th of November, turned out to be the darkest chapter in her life, darker than anything that she can ever compare it too. The day she regretted her education, or her will to go to school. This was the only time, she ever wished that she never ever had joined school. Never met people, was never born. The reason that she started to hate herself. She never liked being alone on the particular day. She always had people with her. Ashar and Zareen never left her side the whole November; Anjum, Shabnam and Rauf kept a constant check on her the entire month. This was the first time since the tragedy, that she was alone, or at least she thought she was.

That night, Zuhaan, surprisingly came early. Shiza, usually slept when Zuhaan came, but today she was up, it was 15th, how can she probably sleep. November saw less of sleeps by Shiza, and whatever came, were decorated with ugly dreams. Today her behaviour was weird to Zuhaan. Usually, Zuhaan's entry made Shiza very uncomfortable and scared, but today, she seemed comfortable and relieved when he came. She did not want loneliness today. Even Zuhaan, made her comfortable. She had a comfort that at least Zuhaan has the capability to fight and protect her; the month of November was the worst, even more than Zuhaan. She did not want to think of her husband as a monster, not this month. She wanted to feel protected and safe. She somehow convinced herself of Zuhaan's bravery, due to his strength and anger. Today, Zuhaan's bed was made, water kept by his bed side, clean towels in the bathroom. Zuhaan, was astonished, but also irritated.

"Did you do all this?", yelled the husband.

"Y-ye-yes", replied the wife in the crooked stammering voice.

"How many times do I need to tell you not to do it? Not to touch my things!", he said , Shiza was scared and just looked on. Zuhaan, turned the bed sheets on the floor, broke some more things and left the room saying, "Don't care too much Shiza, some people are not made for it". Shiza did not want him to leave, she wanted to beg him to stop, but their relationship was not this informal. She sat their crying and scared.

She grabbed her sheets, pulled them over her head and slept. About around 1:15, Shiza got up to the sound of footsteps. She thought Zuhaan is here, that made her feel safe, but she remained inside her cover, avoiding any contacts with her angry husband, scared that he may leave again, taking away her safety along. Zuhaan was roaming around, she felt. After a while of roaming around she felt Zuhaan paused in front of the dressing table, than came towards the couch she was sleeping on, she felt scared and remembered what he said in their last conversation, "Is he still angry?" To her surprise, he sat near her feet, she felt weird and awkward. Than he spoke, Softly, "Shiza, get up baby, look who is here", she recognized the voice immediately, this particular voice made Shiza's blood go cold. Her soul went pale, her eyes, wide with horror and tears. Her lips trembled, she started to palpitate, her feet went numb and heart sank in her chest, her hands grabbed the sheets tighter, in a moment she knew, it wasn't Zuhaan.

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