Chapter 24: Shera

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Zuhaan arrives at the site and everyone looks at Zuhaan as if some alien has landed on the planet and is getting down from his spaceship. They looked scared out of their wits and froze in their places and stared at him. Zuhaan found this reaction odd, "Saw a ghost or what?" yelled Zuhaan and then everyone returned back to their works. A petite, red haired girl with big specs attended to Zuhaan. "Good morning Mr. Seraj"

"Hmm. Mr Raghvan?" his reply was same cold one like he gave to any other girl.

"This way please", said the secretary politely to which Zuhaan Groaned.

'How cold is he', thought she. As he passed by the place, he saw the place surrounded by body guards. Even he was accompanied by two body guards behind him. He was taken to a small quarter, where Sarvesh Raghvan stood at the door. They greeted each other with 'Business warmth' and both headed inside. The place was surrounded by gunned men and marshals.

"Raghvan, what's wrong? Still those unnamed threats?" asked Zuhaan.

Since the time Sarvesh and Zuhaan had set their factory site here, unnamed letters were thrown to Raghvan's quarter, telling him to leave the place. Zuhaan ignored it by reasoning that since this projects is the biggest for this place, locals don't want it to be this a big deal. Zuhaan had only this in mind that the same letters have scared the wits out of everyone, but this time, it was not the case.

"No Mr. Seraj. The person is not unnamed anymore. They are dacoits. Dacoits of Chambal", said Raghvan

"They are what?" questioned Zuhaan with sarcasm, then continued, "Dacoits of Chambal have been long vanished. Chambal is just a barren land"

"I thought it the same way Mr. Seraj, until I heard of the name", replied Raghvan

"Name?" questioned Zuhaan

"Name behind the letters and the threats. After a while of unknown letters, the letters then started displaying a name. The reason there are so many guards here is that, two times, men on jeeps came along; creating a havoc and ruckus in the entire place and chanting the same name", explained Raghvan

"What name?" asked Zuhaan

"SHERA", replied Raghvan

"Shera?" repeated Zuhaan

"Yes. The locals here are terrified of the name. No one is ready to describe Shera, it's their loyalty to him, but they are terrified of him. Shera is the name for fear around here", explained Raghvan

"You know anything more of him?" asked Zuhaan

"Nope", said Raghvan, "Like I told, no one is ready to talk"

Zuhaan looked on. The name did not even find a place in Zuhaan's mind as threat or even as a name for that matter. Shera, and his threats and warning did not matter to him at all. That is typical of Zuhaan, not to be scared of anything. He cared very less about Shera, or whatever he does to stop him. He had already called in to a security company asking for a team of guards for the place. He had done everything possible to secure the place. Zuhaan was not interested at all in knowing who Shera was, or his identity or what was his intention behind threatening. He was least concerned. He called the security only for reason, to keep the work going. Zuhaan was one of those people for whom Existence of people did not matter, and then people like Shera, were nowhere near Zuhaan radar of concerns.

As he returned home at 5 in the evening, he saw the guards grouped together and taking amongst themselves. It did not look like a light chat or conversation rather a heated discussion.

"What is happening?" Zuhaan questioned them as soon as he got down the car

"Sir, this stone", said one of the guards while showing a big piece of stone, "Someone threw it in the front garden when madam was taking a walk", as soon as he heard 'madam', he ran inside, "Shiza"

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