Chapter 1: One Special Letter

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Sunlight streamed through the tall windows of the Shuzenji residence. Birds chirped outside while kids rode their bikes down the street, laughing and chattering among themselves.

(Y/n) perked up as she heard the mail being pushed through the slot at the front door. She padded down the hall and inspected the pile of letters.

"Junk... junk... junk... oh, a bill for dad... junk..."

She paused and stared at the last letter she flipped to.

A lovely cream letter was nicely sealed with a logo that (Y/n) instantly recognized.

"UA High!" she cried in amazement. She dumped the rest of the letters in the trash, save for the bill and the UA card. She skidded down the hall and nearly crashed into a door.

"Woah, slow down kiddo! What's got you all excited?" her dad asked from his seat at the dining room table.

(Y/n) waved the letter excitedly, then collapsed into the seat next to him.

"It's a letter from UA High!" she squealed. "Where grandma works!"

Her father ran a hand through his salt and peppered hair and sighed nervously.

"Well, go on, open it."

(Y/n) hands were trembling too hard to break the seal. Her father chuckled and took the letter gingerly from her hands.

The seal broke cleanly, and a small gray puck slid onto the table before them. It flashed to life and projected itself onto the wall before them. (Y/n) bounced excitedly until her father laid a gentle hand on her shoulder to settle her.

"Hello (Y/n) and (F/n)."

Recovery Girl smiled sweetly down at her son and her granddaughter.

"I understand you applied for a spot at UA Highschool to be a hero. Unfortunately, you were unable to go through with the entrance exams and there are no more available spots in the hero course."

(Y/n) visibly wilted slightly, much to her father's dismay. He wrapped an arm around her to comfort her.

"However," the elderly woman continued and (Y/n)'s eyes lit up.

"I am getting on in my old age, and I need someone to carry on my work. If you were to attend UA, you would work under me as my apprentice and as a foreign exchange student and you would also work very closely with the hero course."

(Y/n) grinned wider, if that was even possible.

"And before you go and argue about this (F/n)," Recovery Girl began again. "Just know she'll be around pro heroes all day and be within the UA grounds the entire time. It would be foolish for a villain to try attacking a school full of heroes in training."

Her father bent his head in embarrassment a little.

"If you decide to attend UA, your living space will be taken care of and everything. You can send me a quick email to tell me your answer. But for now, be safe."

She smiled, and the projection switched off.


"So what?" her dad asked.

"So can I go? Please? You heard what grandma said! I'll be on school grounds surrounded by pro heroes all day! Nothing's going to happen to me! Please? And I can brush up on my Japanese! Ikemasu ka?" she begged.

Her father sighed, and ran his hand through his hair once more.

"Do you promise to stay out of trouble?"


"And do everything grandma says?"


"And stay away from boys?"

"Ye- wait, what?"

Her father looked at her sternly.

"You heard me, stay away from boys, and girls for that matter. You're going to UA to study, not to flirt. It's a yes, or you're not going."

(Y/n) sighed, but smiled.

"Alright, fine."

"That's my girl. Now, go text your grandma and tell her you'll be attending. I'll check what time the flights to Japan are."

"Wait, we're leaving now?" (Y/n) squawked.

"Yes? Would you like to wait?"


(Y/n) bounded up the stairs to her room.

Her father's smile fell. His eyes drifted to the disc the message had been played from.

"Please keep her safe, mother."


(Y/n) slipped on her backpack as her flight was called. It was about 9:00 am in New York, 10:00 pm in Japan.

"I'll call everyday to make sure you're okay," her father reminded her.

"You don't have to call every day, dad," (Y/n) rolled her eyes, but smiled.

"Fine. Every other day." he bargained.

"Cool. I'll call you when I land then." she promised.

"Oh, and don't forget to visit your mother too while you're there." he reminded her.

"I'll tell her you said hello." (Y/n) said.

She gave her father a hug and a kiss goodbye and boarded the plane, and was finally off to Japan.

Wow, I finished this earlier than I though. Ooh, maybe I'll post another chapter... haha jk jk... unless?

But all jokes aside, I'm really excited to start writing this book.

Ciao! ~SisterWulf

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