Chapter 51: Doubly-Double-Crossed

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"What? Why?"

"The professor was only trying to get back what was stolen from him." Sam explained. "This groundbreaking invention that mechanically amplifies quirks."

"Amplifies... quirks?" Izuku echoed.

"Yes, it is still in testing, but with this device, unlike drugs, quirks can be amplified without modifying the body." Shield explained.

"However, the sponsors confiscated this invention and research data. The research itself was frozen too. If the If this was made known to the world, then the structure of superhuman society would change drastically. Fearing that, the governments from different nations pressured him. That's why the professor did all this." Sam finished.

"This is a lie Papa! Tell me it is a lie!" Melissa cried.

"It is not a lie." Shield responded.

"But it doesn't make sense!"

Tears threatened to fall from Melissa's face.

"The Papa I know would never do anything like that!"

"Ooh, she got you there." (Y/n) murmured under her breath, looking away awkwardly.

"It is for All Might."

This got all three kids attention now.

"You two probably don't know this, but his quirk is disappearing. However, if we use my device, we can go back to normal! I can give him more abilities than he started with!"

Shield looked like he was grasping for a reason, anything to convince the students that what he did was right.

"The Number One Hero... the Symbol of Peace can get his light back and save many people once more!"

(Y/n)'s eyes darted over to Izuku, a guilty expression etched on his freckled face.

She took his hand and squeezed it gently to reassure him.

"Please! Please let me get this device to All Might!"

David Shield ran up the stairs to Sam, snatching the briefcase from his hands.

"There's no time to make another one! After he gets it, I don't care what kind of punishment I receive!-"

"They risked their lives."

(Y/n) looked over at Melissa, whose head was bent in anger.

"What do you think Deku and his classmates went through to save the hostages?" she exploded, jabbing a finger at the slow-healing cut across (Y/n)'s face.

"What is the meaning of this?" Shield said, turning to Sam. "The villains were fake, it should have all been an act."

"Of course it was an act." a deep voice chuckled. (Y/n) jerked her head to the door, where a tall man in a trenchcoat stood, blood red hair trailing down his back. His identity was kept hidden by a mask of twisted metal.

"An act pretending to be a fake villain."

Izuku glowed a green as he activated his quirk, but the man was quicker, summoning a metal guard rail to pin the boy to the wall.



"Stay there quietly for a bit." the man grinned. "Sam, where is the device?"

"Sam?"Shield said quietly as the man grabbed the briefcase back. "Don't tell me from the beginning... you were planning on giving the device to the villains all along?"

"Y-you were the one that tricked me." the balding man stammered. "I served you for so long and you let your research be frozen so easily, and the honor and renown we were supposed to get all went away! If I didn't get so money, it was a waste of time!"

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