Chapter 6: Ojiro, Bakugo, and Tokoyami

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A bo staff twirled expertly from one hand to another. (Y/n) panted, staring at the training dummy before her.

"Stupid, stupid, stupid! Argh, why can't I get this right?" she exclaimed, clearly frustrated.

Gripping the bo staff tightly in her dominant hand, she began the move again. She came to the training room on school campus to practice her fighting moves. (Y/n) was determined that if she would be a healer, she would also need to protect and defend both herself, and others.

"Your footing is wrong." a voice rang out through the room.

(Y/n) turned, a hot and sweaty mess, to see who answered her (almost) rhetorical question.

"You can't take off like that, you'll land incorrectly and butcher your moves."

A boy in a clean white training gi stood behind her, arms crossed. His corn yellow hair was kept out of his face neatly.

"Why don't you show me how it's done, then," she said, too tired to add a sarcastic tone to her voice. She tossed the bamboo staff and it clattered uselessly against the ground before him.

He picked it up and twirled it aimlessly as (Y/n) went to go sit down. Once she was out of the way, he began.

In a flash, he bounced from his spot and did the movements that (Y/n) was trying to perfect for ages. He finished and all the training dummies were on the ground surrounding him.



"Woah! That was awesome! Where did your learn that? I was trying to get it down for ages!"

The boy turned to (Y/n) and smiled. She noticed that his tail started to wag from her compliment.

"My family taught me self-defense for my hero training. They knew that my quirk wouldn't be much help out on the field, so they helped me. What about you? I've been here for a couple minutes, and you're pretty well trained yourself." he said.

"I've been taking classes since I was ten," (Y/n) admitted. "I've been slacking a little recently, but I haven't been able to train much because I haven't found anyone to spar with."

"I could spar with you."

(Y/n) looked up in surprise.

"Really? That would be so cool! And it would help a lot. Thanks so much... uh..."

"Ojiro. Ojiro Mashirao."

"I'm (Y/n), I work in the nurse's office. Oh, and speaking of that..."

She checked her watch.

"I've gotta go. Here's my number so we can plan meetups!"

She handed him a note and skipped off to find Recovery Girl.

(Y/n) looked over at the front entrance of the school, where there was a huge crowd of reporters

"Jeez, these guys are like vultures, finding whatever they can sink into to turn into a story," (Y/n) grumbled.

A female reporter caught her eye and called out to her.

"Oop, that's my cue to go," she said aloud, ignoring the entire crowd now calling out to her.


(Y/n) hummed cheerfully as she filed paperwork. She jumped in her seat as the alarms rang out throughout the school.

"What's wrong grandma?" she asked, looking to the healer for guidance.

"There's been a breach of security. If everyone is rushing to get out the door, there may be some students being trampled. We should go check." her grandmother responded, taking her walking cane. (Y/n) followed closely.

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