Chapter 17: Dinner Invite

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The girls continued on their shopping spree, zipping from one store to the next in excitement.

First they went to a bunch of popular clothing stores, trying on different outfits and putting on a fashion show for the others.

"Ooh, so elegant Yaomomo!" Toru clapped her hands together as Momo stepped out in a lovely velvet dress.

"Agreed." (Y/n) grinned. Momo smiled bashfully.

"Wow, so cool Jirou!" Ochaco commented. Jirou tentatively emerged from the closet in a very punk rock inspired outfit, with ripped jeans and a leather jacket.

"Aww, that's adorable!" (Y/n) exclaimed. Toru, Tsu, and Ochaco all posed wearing matching summery outfits, brightly colored shirts and shorts.

"So chique!" Mina commented on (Y/n)'s outfit, dress pants and a blazer worn over a white polo, its collar popped.

"Love it!" she shot back as Mina strutted out with a leopard print dress.

"Here (Y/n), I think this would look great on you!" Mina held up a cute outfit for (Y/n) to try on.

"Thanks Mina!" she grinned. The pinkette turned away to hide her blushing face and to calm her beating heart.

Next, they all hit the music store.

"Wow, look at all these records!" Ochaco pointed at the discs hung up on the walls.

"I wonder if they have some American bands here. Some of the older ones, like (fave band)." (Y/n) muttered. Jirou's eyes lit up.

"Woah, you like (f/b) too?"

"Yeah! My dad made me listen to all their songs when I was younger." she joked.

"Mine too!" Jirou replied. "I have a hard time understanding the English, but I still like the beat and melodies."

"That's awesome. Look, there's some here!" (Y/n) pointed, grabbing Jirou's hand. She pulled the girl over to a shelf.

"I love this album! Isn't it cool?" she asked Jirou.

She averted her gaze and fiddled with her earphone jacks.

"Yeah, they're really cool..." she mumbled.

After the music store, they set off to the food court one last time.

"Aww, I don't have enough for mochi..." (Y/n) heard Uraraka mutter sadly.

"Don't sweat it Ochaco!"

She smiled and paid for both treats.

"Here you go!"

She stared at (Y/n) in awe.

"You're too sweet (Y/n)! Thank you so much!" she cried, bowing shortly before devouring the soft rice cake.

The sky had cleared for the day, and everyone was tired from their day of running around. Momo's chauffeur arrived to pick them all up and drive them home. (Y/n)'s dorm was the last drop-off and by then the sun had begun to set, streaking the sky with warm pinks and fierce oranges

"Thank you again for taking me out shopping, Yaomomo." (Y/n) smiled softly at the ravenette. "If you didn't ask me to hang out with you all, I'd be stuck inside all day, watching the rain."

"It was my pleasure (Y/n)."

With that, she rolled up her window and drove off.


"What are we waiting for Miss Midnight?"

"Oh (Y/n), just call me Midnight. The whole "Miss" thing makes me seem old." she replied sourly. "And we're waiting for the right moment to make an entrance! A hero always has to look their best!"

"Aren't they also supposed to save others in need?" (Y/n) cocked her head to the side, like a curious cat.

"Yes, yes, that too but-"

She stopped at Aizawa'a voice carried out into the hall.

"Remember, these names are only temporary, but if you're not serious about it..."

"You'll have hell to pay later!" Midnight interjected, throwing open the classroom door. She strutted into the room, flicking her hips from side to side as her heels clicked against the floor. (Y/n) tentatively entered the room, waving at everyone.

"Midnight will make sure your names are okay. I'm not good at that. (Y/n) is here to watch the hero course in class and take notes. She also has to pick a hero name as well."

Aizawa pulled out his yellow sleeping bag and leaned against the wall, already dozing off.

The class began scribbling down ideas on their boards, while (Y/n) stood jotting her hero name down. Everyone was shocked she was done so early as she raised her hand and scampered up to the podium.

"The Healing Hero: Angel Kiss! Or Angel, for short." she announced proudly.

"Aww, so cute! Wonderful name (Y/n)!" Midnight cracked her whip to call on the next person.

"What made you chose that name (Y/n)?" Tsu asked curiously.

"My mom helped me choose it. I really liked it, so I knew that I wanted this name when I became a hero."

So pure! Everyone collectively thought.

The class period went by quickly, with everyone presenting their names to the class. There were a couple funny ones, like Aoyama's "I Can't Stop Twinkling!" or Bakugo's "Lord Explosion Murder!". She really liked Mina's name, Alien Queen, but Midnight brushed it off as too scary for her.

The class finally ended with the bell ringing. Everyone got up out of their seats to walk (Y/n) back to the nurse's office, but Bakugo beat them to it.

"Oi, (Y/n)!" he barked. The small nurse froze, and turned to the ash blond.

"Leave her alone Bakugo!" someone in the class shouted at him.

"Shut up extra!" he snarled. He grabbed (Y/n)'s wrist and dragged her out and down the hall. His grip was tight, but he was careful not to hurt (Y/n). He stopped once they were a little ways away from the class room.

 "I need to talk to you."

"O-okay..." (Y/n) gulped. Bakugo didn't necessarily scare her, but he still gave off an aura of power about his demeanor.

He shifted his weight and stared at her for a while. Finally, he mumbled something incoherent under his breath.

"Sorry, what? I couldn't hear you." (Y/n) asked confusedly, leaning in closer.

He muttered it a bit louder than before, but (Y/n) still couldn't hear.

"Say it again?"


(Y/n) blinked in surprise at the loud remark.

"Don't make me fuckin' say it again!"

Bakugo stuffed his hands in his pockets and avoided her gaze.

"So? Gonna accept it?" he snapped. You could play it off as being impatient, but one glance at his jittery bouncing leg and his fist clenching and unclenching, anyone could see he was nervous about her answer.

(Y/n) did, and smiled.

"What's that face for, huh?" he asked. (Y/n) laughed.

"Yes Bakugo, I accept your apology. I know you didn't mean to startle me."

His posture visibly relaxed, and his leg stopped bouncing.

"Meet me at the front of the school an hour after it ends. My old hag wanted to invite you to dinner if you didn't accept my apology." he rolled his eyes.

"I'd love that. See you later!" she smiled and walked down the hall.

"Yeah... see you..." he murmured.

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