Chapter 5: Sato, Momo, and Midoriya

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(Y/n) rushed out the door with all of her things balanced precariously in her arms. Nearly falling down the stairs again, she jogged to the school, eager for what the day would bring.

Baasan told me I was going to help the hero course today! I wonder what we'll be doing today!

Her stomach interrupted her train of thought and growled loudly.

"I can wait until I get to the office." she tried to convince herself.

It didn't work and she found herself changing course to the school cafeteria.

"Hello Lunch Rush!" she greeted the pro. "If it's not too much trouble, could I have some breakfast? I skipped it this morning and I'm starting to regret it."

"No problem!" Lunch Rush said, shuffling off to prepare a meal for her.

"Thank you sir!" (Y/n) nodded and sat down in a chair. Movement in the corner of her eye caught her attention and she noticed another student bustling around the kitchen as well.

(Y/n) watched in awe as he skillfully baked pastries and sweets of all kinds, moving from whisking batter to moving something into the oven.

The student noticed (Y/n) as he placed the cupcakes down on a cooling rack. The smell made her mouth water.

"Those smell delicious," she commented.

"Thanks." he said. "Oh, while you're here, would you mind helping me put frosting on these?" he asked, pointing to another batch of cupcakes which had cooled off already.

"Sure. What would you like me to do?"

He directed her to hold the icing bags as he poured the sweet mixture in. Then they got to decorating them.

"So what's your quirk?" (Y/n) asked him as she applied a nice swirl to a cupcake.

"I gain strength by eating sugary foods," he replied, putting the finishing touches on the last one.

"That's really cool! Do you have any drawbacks, like if you eat too much you'll get a stomachache or something? And how do you cope with the drawbacks?" (Y/n) pressed, her gaze fixed on her next cupcake.

"Why would you like to know?" Sato asked suspiciously. His tone wasn't harsh, but he seemed hesitant to answer any of (Y/n)'s questions.

"Oh I'm so sorry! I'm (Y/n) Shuzenji, Recovery Girl's new assistant, and I'm taking notes for the future."

She held up her notebook, which was decorated in cute stickers and doodles.

"I wanted to take notes so I could figure out better treatments for patients when they come in. I'm so sorry if I overstepped!"

He visibly relaxed.

"I'm Rikido Sato. I get really drained after I consume a huge amount of sugar and the effects wear off. I just get really tired. I bake lots of sweets to help me throughout the day."

(Y/n) scribbled down notes as he talked. The cupcakes were finished , and (Y/n) picked one up to munch on.

"Okay then, I'll make sure to keep plenty of sweets on hand!"

Lunch Rush served her a steaming bowl of food and (Y/n) scarfed it down enthusiastically.

She and Sato continued chatting until the five minute warning bell rang, signalling to them to get moving.

"Well it was nice to meet you! I hope I see you again!"

(Y/n) skipped down the hall to Recovery Girl's office.

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