Chapter 31: Christmas Special!

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"(Y/n), help me wrap this around your desk."

"Sure grandma!" (Y/n) replied, taking the silver and gold tinsel from a box. It was a week before Christmas, and (Y/n) was helping her grandmother decorate. So far, they had lights, ornaments, and even a small Christmas tree up in their office.

"I've got the tree up in the dorm room already, but I need to buy the decorations." she noted. "I wonder what everyone's doing for Christmas... they're probably with their families..."

(Y/n) sighed quietly. Recovery Girl glanced at her protege out of the corner of her eye.

"It's the end of your shift. You can go back to the dorms now."

"Thanks grandma. I'll see you tomorrow. I can't believe there's just one more day till winter break." she commented.

"Yes, enjoy it while you can." Recovery Girl smiled. (Y/n) gathered her things and left the office, taking one more glance at her handiwork in the office.



"Oh hey Hagakure." She greeted the other girls as they approached.

"What are you doing for the holidays?" Mina asked, her arms behind her as she leaned her head back.

"My family plans to go on a three day vacation to a hotel near Mt. Fuji. They rented out a plot of land a while ago where they paid workers to build a rather modest cabin in time for Christmas." Momo said as they talked.

"A-ah, well My plans aren't as exciting..." Uraraka mumbled. "I'm just going to spend it with my family."

"How about you (Y/n)-chan?" Tsu asked.

"I was planning to visit my dad in America, but I've been so busy I didn't get a chance to buy a plane ticket." she sighed sadly. "I guess I can always just call him."

The rest of the girls didn't seem to notice (Y/n)'s downtrodden comments. She didn't mind though. It would be selfish of her to bring everyone down in time for the holidays.

"I'll see you guys later." she excused herself from the conversation and began her walk to the dorms.


(Y/n) walked absentmindedly down the street. It was now three days until Christmas and she still hadn't decorated the tree. She was so tired from healing throughout the past few days, not to mention most of her nights had been plagued with nightmares so she had been getting little to no sleep.

I need to buy decorations... I don't know what I should get... I also need to finish up some paperwork for grandma when I get back. Will I have time to decorate the tree?


A hand yanked the back of her jacket. She was jerked back into someone's chest.

"Hey!" she exclaimed.

"The light was red, dumbass!" a familiar voice barked.

"Katsuki?" she said aloud, turning around to face the ash blond.

"You almost walked straight into traffic (Y/n)." Kirishima commented next to him.

"I did? Oh, I wasn't paying attention." she murmured, glancing back at the cars driving past.

"You could have gotten seriously hurt (Y/n)." Todoroki commented in a flat tone.

"Or worse." Izuku added.

"I know, I know, I'm sorry." she sighed tiredly, rubbing her eyes with her gloved hands. "What are you guys doing downtown anyways?"

"Me and Kacchan live nearby." Izuku explained.

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