Chapter 42: Next Round!

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Kirishima's eyes blinked open. The speckled ceiling greeted him, and so did the sinking feeling- the realization- that he failed.

He failed the practical exam. He wasn't strong enough to beat Cementoss in a practice battle, so how was he supposed to beat a real villain as a hero?

He bit his lip uncertainly and sighed.

"Kiri! You're awake!"

He grunted and sat up, spotting (Y/n) restocking supplies in the medical cabinet.

"You were out longer than expected. I already sent Sato out to the waiting room." she nodded towards the door. Kirishima didn't answer, he just stared silently down at his hands.

"Hey, what's wrong?"

(Y/n) came and perched on the edge of his bed.

"I wasn't strong enough... I couldn't have beaten him..." he murmured dejectedly. "What chance do I have in the real world? If only I had a stronger quirk..."

(Y/n) gripped his shoulders firmly and stared him down, her eyes blazing with determination.

"You listen to me, Ejirou Kirishima."

He gulped, unsure of what she was going to do.

"You are the most kindhearted, sweet, manly person I know. You spend all your love on your friends and family, making sure they feel valued and loved, so much so that you don't have any love left yourself. You need to learn to love your quirk, love yourself. Even if you don't think it's special, I do. You are a wonderful friend to have and if you don't learn that soon, I'll beat it into you!"

"I-I thought doctors took an oath to not harm anyone..." he stammered.

"Well I'm not a doctor yet!" she grinned. "I got time. Now, let me dress your wounds. While you wait, you can have a lolipop."

Handing him the candy, she took his hand in hers and gingerly wrapped them in a gauze. Once she was done with that, she took both of them and planted a kiss on either one. Kirishima turned red, rivaling his scarlet hair. (Y/n) pulled him in for a hug, nuzzling into the crook of his neck. Shivers ran down his spine and he felt his palms get sweaty.

"T-thanks for treating me, you've been nice- it's been nice- I'll see you later- I mean not because I'll be injured, I mean- haha!"

He scooted off the bed and walked briskly down the hall. Once he reached a far enough distance, he banged his head against the wall, the lolipop still in his mouth.

"Idiot! That was real smooth, wasn't it?" he said sarcastically. "God now she'll think I'm stupid..."

He pinched the bridge of his nose and sighed. He then walked off, finding his way to the break room.


(Y/n) stood behind her grandmother's chair to watch the next match, or what was left of it.

Ectoplasm exhaled, releasing one huge clone. It loomed over Tokoyami and Tsu, and they stood there in shock. The great clone reared its head and brought its jaw crashing down, swallowing the two like a titan from an anime (Y/n) watched back in New York. They were well and truly trapped, save for Dark Shadow, who barreled towards Ectoplasm with claws outstretched.

They fought harshly, Dark Shadow being kicked away by Ectoplasm. The creature suddenly reared back to the two students and Tsu slipped him something. Dark Shadow shot towards the pro hero once more.

Ectoplasm retaliated with one swift kick, successfully knocking out Dark Shadow.

"They didn't pass..." (Y/n) said sadly.

"No, look!"

Izuku pointed to something on the monitor. (Y/n) squinted, and gasped.

Ectoplasm's leg was in shackles, meaning Tsu and Tokoyami passed!

(Y/n) cheered and clapped for her classmates, happy they managed to win against all odds. She went out to greet them and check for injuries. Unsurprisingly, they got out without a scratch.

"Are you okay Dark Shadow?" (Y/n) asked.

"My head hurts a bit." he mentioned. (Y/n) gave him an ice pack and an apple-flavored lolipop. Tokoyami insisted he was fine, and he didn't seem injured in any way, so (Y/n) gave him an apple lolipop too.

"What about you, Tsu?"

"My throat hurts a bit, but that's all."

"I thought so, which is why I made you a warm cup of tea with honey and here is a cough drop." (Y/n) beamed. Tsu gave her a close eyed smile, her tongue poking out.


Next up was Iida and Ojiro. (Y/n) watched as Ojiro hopped on Iida's back and they took off, running faster than the uneven ground could collapse. For a second, (Y/n) feared they too would fail when she saw the ground cave in before them.

Thinking fast, Iida had Ojiro wrap his tail around his engines. He activated his Recipio Burst and threw Ojiro out of the gate.

"Yeet." (Y/n) whispered to herself as she watched the boy fly through the air.

The sign on the gate 'dinged', signaling that they had won the round.

Yet again, (Y/n) went out, assessing the boys. She had Ojiro flex his tail to make sure he didn't sprain it or pull a muscle, and she had Iida walk in a few circles to make sure his legs weren't acting up. She dismissed them and went to go watch Shoto and Momo's match.

She watched in anticipation, waiting for Momo and Shoto to reappear on the screen. Two cloaked figures darted out, catching Aizawa's attention. He trapped them with his weapon, slamming their heads together.

(Y/n) gasped when she saw one of them was a fake, and Momo launched a catapult of string at her teacher. Shoto lit them up with his flames and they hardened, trapping the man in the weapon.

(Y/n) was back out on the field once more, checking on their injuries.

"My wrist hurts a little bit." Momo commented. "I think it happened when Aizawa-sensei yanked me up."

He glanced over worriedly. (Y/n) saw this and smiled at him, an amused expression across her face.

"Let me fix that."

She brought it up to her lips and kissed it better.

Momo's blush deepened, and a matryoshka doll popped out of her palm.

"Ah! My apologies!" she bowed.

"Aw, it's so cute! Do you mind if I keep it?" (Y/n) laughed.

"Y-yes of course!"

She pocketed the doll, turning to Shoto.

"I saw you hit your head pretty hard against the mannequin. Bend down." she ordered.


"'Cuz I can't reach you!" she pouted. He leaned down, letting her kiss the top of his head.

He stood up again, a blush tinting his face and a few small flames springing up oh his sleeve.

"Uh, Shoto, your arm." she pointed to his arm. He patted wildly at his arm, extinguishing the fire.

"I'm fine."

"Okay. You guys did great! Have a lolipop!" (Y/n) grinned, holding up a selection for them to choose from. They did so and left her to do her work.

"You're doing great dear." her grandmother assured her.

"Let's hope it stays like that for the rest of the class."

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