Chapter 49: Climbing the Tower

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(Y/n) doubled over wheezing, her hands on her knees.

"How... much... further?" she panted.

"The top floor is 200." Melissa answered. They all pressed on, running up the winding staircase. The numbers flashed by with every floor they ran up.

60th... 70th... 80th!

Everyone halted as a huge metal door came into view.

"Should we break it down?"

"Maybe there's another way around."

"Why not just go through here?" Mineta opened another door to their left.

"No!" Melissa cried.

A light flicked on the handle of the door.

"Idiot! Now they know we're here!" Jirou snapped. Everyone went through the door anyways, for there was no point.

The villains already knew where they were.

"Is there any other way to go up?"

"There's another emergency staircase like this one on the opposite side." Melissa panted as they ran down the hall.

Shutters began slamming closed, blocking their exit and entrance. Iida's eyes darted around, spotting a door a few meters before them.

"Todoroki!" Iida barked.


A surge of ice kept the last shutter open. Iida leaped through the gap and smashed open the door on the right wall.

"Let's cross inside here!" he waved to them. (Y/n) hopped up the ice and slid down the other side after him. They all ended up in a huge greenhouse.

"What is this place?"

"It's a plant factory." Melissa explained. "It's where scientists study how quirks affect plants."

"Well I was hoping for a tour, but I didn't expect it to be under these conditions." (Y/n) joked.


Jirou threw herself in front of her.

"The elevator's coming up!"

"Are the villains following us?"

"Let's hide and wait for them to pass."

Everyone dove for cover in the bushes. Leaves and branches poked at (Y/n)'s hair and face, irritating her.

The elevator opened with a "ding!" and out stepped two people dressed in black. They surveyed the area, getting closer and closer to the student's hiding spots with every step.

"Hey! I found you damn kids!" he shouted. Everyone froze. (Y/n) felt her heart pound in her chest, not daring to move a muscle as she held her breath.

"What did you say, bastard?" a familiar voice snarled.

"Katsuki!" (Y/n) whispered, sighing with relief.

"What are you two doing here?" one of the villains asked.

"That's what I want to know-"

"Leave this to me, okay?" Kirishima's voice interrupted. "Um, we got lost. How do we get to reception?"

(Y/n) peeked out of the bushes and saw him take a step towards the villains.

Kiri, no!

"I can see through you! Don't lie to me!"

One of the men's sleeves ripped as his hand grew. He used his quirk and threw a glowing blue orb at the redhead.

A wall of ice flew up, blocking the attack. The two boys looked over at the bushes where everyone was hiding.

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