Chapter 35: The Disaster Trio's Visit

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(Y/n) hummed as she dialed up Iida's number.


"Hi Tenya." she greeted him, her voice dripping with sweetness.

"Oh, (Y/n)!"

Midoriya and Todoroki paused their conversation and looked over at the spectacled boy with interest.

"Are you with Izuku and Shoto right now?"

"Yes, they're here with me in the hospital." he answered, glancing at the other two.

"Would you mind putting me on speaker?"

The class rep obliged, pressing the button and holding it out for all of them to hear. (Y/n) thanked him and cleared her throat daintily.


All three boys cringed as the nurse's screech ruptured their eardrums.

"That was completely irresponsible of all of you! Stain is a known serial killer and you all went after him? That is the most stupid thing you could have done! "

Iida hastily turned down the volume on his phone.

"(Y-(Y/n), that's not what happened, besides, we didn't go after him-"

"Don't play dumb! I know Endeavor wasn't the one who found and caught the Hero Killer. It was you three, wasn't it?"

The boys were all quiet for a moment, before agreeing sheepishly aloud. They heard the nurse sigh tiredly on the other end of the phone.

"What am I going to do with you guys..."

She regained her composure and continued.

"Iida, I know you only signed up for Manual's agency because it was in Hosu city. I should have realized beforehand that you planned on enacting revenge, but how did you think that would go? That he would just stand still and let you kick the shit out of him?"

Iida didn't answer, only bowing his head in shame.

"I know. My actions were foolish and shortsighted. I was angry."

(Y/n) pursed her lips.

"I'm just glad you guys all got out safe. Luckily Izuku and Shoto were there to help. What were you guys doing in Hosu anyways? Didn't you both go to different cities?" (Y/n) changed the subject.

"My father took us there to help track the Hero Killer's movement." Shoto answered.

"My mentor took me there as well." Izuku replied.

"Ah, I understand." (Y/n) said. "I've been hanging out with Hitoshi a lot lately since you all ditched me for your internships, haha."

"Hitoshi... Shinso?" Izuku gulped.

"Yeah, really tall, dark kinda purple hair? You both fought at the Sports Festival."

"Doesn't he mind control people?" Shoto asked bluntly.

"Has he tried anything on you, (Y/n)?" Iida added.

"Whaa? You guys are so judgemental!" (Y/n) said, puffing out her cheeks in indignation. "Hitoshi's really nice once you get to know him, just a little stand-offish. He's really good with animals too, and he took me to a cat cafe to see all the cute kitties!"

She tapped a finger to her chin as she recalled the events of a few days ago.

"Then we ran into this weird girl who scratched me, but she was kinda unsettling. Then it started raining and he gave me his jacket when we ran to the dorms. We both still got soaked, but luckily he didn't catch a cold. We studied for a little bit and then he left."

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