Chapter 3

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The next morning as the girls are preparing for school, they hear Betty throwing up violently in the toilet and Veronica's brows furrowed. "She said that it's food poisoning, but I am not so sure." Veronica said. "I don't know, maybe Jug does though. I could always try and find out from him." Toni says. "I don't know, if they wanted us to know they would tell us. We are assuming that Jughead even knows what's wrong with her." Josie says. Betty walks into Cheryl's bedroom and grabs her stuff for school.

At school Betty and Jughead meet up in the Blue and Gold room with the door closed. "Hey Juliet, I missed cuddling you in bed last night." Jughead greets. "Hey, I missed you too. Veronica is getting suspicious because of the morning sickness." Betty says. "We'll tell everyone when we're ready. Until then we'll just deflect any questions and queries, they may have." Jughead says. "Thank you Jug, I'm just not ready for people to know yet." Betty says. Archie and Veronica walk into the blue and gold office to see Jughead and Betty kiss.

Betty's first period class is English with Archie and Cheryl and Jughead's first period class is World History with Toni and Veronica. Jughead sits at the back of the room next to Toni. "Jones, care to tell why your girlfriend was emptying her stomach this morning?" Toni whispers to Jughead. "I don't know, Betty text me to say she had some type of food poisoning and that she was embarrassed about it." Jughead replies. "It didn't seem like food poisoning." Toni says. "I don't know what you want me to say Toni, I trust Betty and I know she wouldn't lie to me." Jughead says. Toni shrugs and goes back to paying attention to the teacher.

In Betty's classroom across the campus Archie and Cheryl are trying to gain Betty's attention. However, Betty continues to ignore them and concentrate on what their teacher is saying. Archie and Cheryl share a look wondering why Betty is deliberately ignoring them. Archie pulls out his phone and texts Betty.

Archie :P: Betty what is going on?

Betty 😊: I'm trying to pay attention Archie.

Archie raises his eyebrows and looks at Cheryl and shrugs in response to her questioning eyebrow raise.

At lunchtime Betty and Jughead decide to eat their lunch in the blue and gold room because their friends are driving them crazy. "They know we are hiding something, Jug what do we do?" Betty says. "Betts, I can't force you to tell them, but they won't stop trying to figure this out until we do." Jughead says. "I want to wait at least until we have told your dad and Jellybean." Betty explains. "I totally agree, and I know my dad will be happy that we told him first. All I'm saying is we're going to have to deal with them questioning us for a little while." Jughead says. Archie, Veronica, Cheryl, Toni & Kevin suddenly burst in looking at Jughead and Betty and wondering why they are eating their lunch in the blue and gold office. Betty and Jughead roll their eyes at their friend's antics and go back to eating. "Okay hobo and bride of hobo we want answers." Cheryl says. "No need to be rude babe. However, she is right you two are hiding something and we want to know what and why." Toni says. "We wanted to eat alone since we didn't see much of each other yesterday because Cheryl insisted that Betty go to her sleepover." Jughead says. They all sigh but drop the subject for now.

After school Betty and Jughead go straight home to Jughead's house without being ambushed by their friends. They start on their homework at the kitchen island while they wait for F.P and Jellybean to get home. After finishing their homework Jughead opens his laptop to continue working on his novel and Betty works on her latest article for the blue and gold. Jellybean arrives home first after Field Hockey practice. "Hey Guys, is dad home yet?" Jellybean asks. "Not yet, he shouldn't be long though." Jughead replies. Jellybean nods and starts on her homework.

30 minutes later F.P walks through the front door with a takeaway bag from Pop's. "Hey Kids, I bought dinner from Pop's." F.P greets. "Dad, Betty and I have something we want to tell you and J.B." Jughead starts. "Okay, what's wrong?" F.P asks. "Nothing is wrong Mr. Jones, I just wanted you two to be the first ones we told." Betty says. "Okay, I'm listening." F.P says. "Well, I... I'm pregnant." Betty says and looks at her burger and fries. "What? Boy I thought you were using protection." F.P snaps at Jughead. "We did Dad, I swear. The condom must have split. I swear I am not going anywhere." Jughead explains. "You better boy, my biggest regret is leaving Alice to have Charles alone, you know that." F.P says. "If you need anything Betty I'll help where I can." F.P then says to Betty. Betty hugs F.P and thanks him for everything he has done since Alice disappeared. Jellybean walks up to Betty and hugs her. "I am going to be the coolest Aunt." Jellybean says and they all chuckle.

Later Jughead and Betty are laid in bed. "Now, we just have to tackle telling our friends about the Bughead baby." Jughead says. "I was thinking we invite Archie, V, Cheryl, Toni, Josie, Kevin & Sweet Pea to Pop's tomorrow and tell them." Betty says. "I like that idea. Dad asked me if I planned to get a job. I told him I spoke to Pop and I start working at the diner after school and at weekends starting next week." Jughead says. Betty cuddles up to Jughead and they fall asleep.

The next day after school Jughead sent a group text to all the friends they mentioned last night when deciding who to tell. Betty and Jughead sat in a booth in the back waiting for their friends. Josie and Kevin walk in first. Then Archie and Veronica come in. Lastly Toni, Cheryl and Sweet Pea arrive together. "So, Guys why are we all here?" Kevin asks. "Betty and I have something to tell you. We hope you will be supportive." Jughead says. "I'm pregnant." Betty blurts out. "WHAT?" Everyone shouts at the same time. "Guys, I know that this is huge, but we are doing this, and we would love your support." Jughead says. "If you Guys are sure about this then you have my support." Archie says. Everyone else nods in agreement. "Anything you need the serpents have your back." Sweet Pea says. Jughead and Betty visibly relax.

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