Chapter 13

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Betty (she dropped the twins off at Kevin's house) and Veronica arrive at the hospital and run to the front desk. "I received a call from Doctor Evans regarding my boyfriend Forsythe Pendleton Jones III. Do you have any information for me?" Betty asks. "Your boyfriend was involved in a car crash he was bought in with Archibald Andrews." The receptionist says. "What?" Veronica asks face going pale. "Well, are they okay?" Betty asks urgently. Before the receptionist can reply F.P rushes in. "I was just at the scene of the RTA (road traffic accident). I'm the Sheriff and Mr. Jones' father. Can you give me any information?" F.P asks. "Sheriff Jones as I was about to say these 2 young ladies. Mr. Andrews is awake, and he sustained a concussion, 2 broken ribs and a broken wrist however Mr. Jones has a severe concussion, 4 broken ribs, a broken arm, a fractured ankle and cuts and bruises on his face and he hasn't woken up yet." The receptionist says. "Can we see them?" F.P asks. "Mr. Andrews is in room 317 and Mr. Jones is in room 216." The receptionist says. F.P and Betty take off for Jughead's room. Veronica takes off for Archie's room.

At room 216 Betty hesitates at the door and glances at F.P. She composes herself and then pushes the door open slowly. Betty's eyes land on Jughead and she lets out an audible gasp. Jughead looks ghostly white except for the bruises and cuts littering his face. He's wearing a nasal canula, a cast on his left hand and the lump under the thin blanket also suggests one on his right ankle, he has IV's and wires coming out of various parts of the blanket and thin hospital gown. Betty sits in the chair and grabs Jughead's hand.

In room 317 Veronica opens the door and sees Archie sat up on his phone. Veronica sits on the chair next to the bed. "Hey Archiekins, how are you feeling?" Veronica asks. "Aching all over. Ready to get out of here. How's Jug?" Archie asks. "Jughead hasn't woke up yet. Betty and F.P are with him now. We dropped the twins off with Kevin because Betty thought it was for the best." Veronica says. As Archie is about to reply a nurse walks in the room. "Mr. Andrews, we need to do some more tests and we'd like to keep you in overnight for observation, but you should be clear to leave tomorrow." The nurse says. Archie nods then has a sudden thought. "Can I see Jughead?" Archie asks. "I'll see what I can do so you can see your friend." The nurse says. When the nurse leaves the room, Archie motions Veronica over and shuffles over on the bed so she can fit.

Betty refuses to leave Jughead's side until she knows that he is awake and relatively okay. F.P left 10 minutes to pick the twins up from Kevin's as he agreed to babysit for the night. "Hey Jug, I hope you can hear me. I need you to come back. Freddie and Ally need their daddy, Please come back to me Jug." Betty says through tears. Betty feels a slight movement against the hand holding Jughead's. She looks up at Jughead and sees his green eyes staring back her. "Hey Betts, are those tears for little old me?" Jughead asks jokingly. Betty laughs and gives Jughead a watery smile. "You really scared me Jug." Betty admits. "I'm sorry Betts, I keep scaring you lately huh?" Jughead points out. "I'm just glad that you are still with us." Betty says. Jughead pats the bed next to him and Betty carefully curls up next to him.

The Next Day

Jughead is sat up with Betty sat on the chair when Archie and Veronica walk in to check on him. Betty moves from the chair so that Archie can sit down. "How are you feeling Arch?" Betty asks. "I'm feeling better than yesterday. The doctor told me I can go home as long as I rest." Archie says. "How are you doing Jughead?" Veronica asks. "I'm doing okay. I can't wait to go home and see my babies." Jughead says. A nurse walks into the room and checks how Jughead is doing. "Everything seems good here Mr. Jones however we would like to keep you here for one more night." The nurse says. Jughead nods.

After about an hour Archie and Veronica head home and F.P and Jellybean arrive to see how Jughead is doing. Jellybean hugs him gently and then F.P hugs him gently. F.P and Jellybean sit down in the hard-plastic chairs next to Jughead's bed. "How are you feeling boy?" F.P asks. "I'm not too bad Dad, I wish I could get out of here. The nurse said I have to wait till tomorrow though." Jughead says. "I can understand that." F.P says. "Good, the twins are just as annoying as you. I'm just kidding." Jellybean says. The room dissolves into silence. Jughead leans back on the bed exhausted.

Later that evening

Jughead and Betty are cuddled up on his bed. "Betts there is something I want to ask you." Jughead says. "Okay Jug." Betty says. "Betty Cooper, I love you more than words could ever say. You are my partner in love, life and serpents. I can't imagine ever being without you. We have 2 beautiful children. My family love having you around. You are one of my best friends. Will you marry me?" Jughead asks chewing on his lip nervously. Betty sits up and looks at him with tears in her eyes. "Yes Jug. Yes, I will marry you." Betty says. "There's a ring in my jacket pocket." Jughead says. Betty stands up and walks to Jughead's jacket finding the small jewelry box in his pocket. Jughead takes the box from Betty's hand gently and takes the ring inside and places it on her finger.

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