Chapter 19

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1 Year and 6 Months Old

Betty is 3 months pregnant with their third little Jones. Jughead has taken on a protective nature again which is driving Betty round the bend. Archie bought the house directly across the road from Bughead. Veronica found that Baby A is Archie's baby and Baby B is Kevin's baby. Archie and Veronica came to an agreement that Natalia will live with Archie and Veronica can see her as often as she likes and when the twins are born Archie's will live with him. Kevin was forced by Tom to move in with Veronica after he found out that not only had his son slept with a woman, but he also got her pregnant. Tom refuses to let Kevin be a dead-beat Dad. Josie and Sweet Pea moved into an apartment at the Pembrook because Tom asked Josie to keep an eye on Kevin. Mary agreed to move back to Riverdale to help and support Archie and she's gone to Chicago to help her husband pack up all their stuff and finalize some legal stuff for their move. Archie is excited to meet his Mom's husband Robert and his half-sister Zoey who is 3. Archie often walks Vegas with Natalia around the time Jughead, Betty & the kids go to the park to walk Hot Dog IV.

Today Veronica has her 5-month scan and Archie is meeting her and Kevin at Pop's before they head to the hospital. Archie arrives at Pop's first and orders a Chocolate Milkshake to try and calm the sudden bout of nerves he has at finding out his babies gender. As Pop places Archie's milkshake in front of him the bell above the door rings signaling someone entering the diner. Archie turns around and comes face to face with Josie and Sweet Pea. "Hey Red." Sweet Pea says. "Hey Sweets, Hey Josie. How are things?" Archie asks. "Things are good for us Arch. Where is Nat?" Josie asks. "Your Mom and Mr. Keller offered to watch her while I go to the hospital with Veronica and Kevin." Archie says. "Oh yeah. They aren't really talking to Kevin now because of what he and Veronica did to you." Josie says. Just as Archie is about to answer Kevin and Veronica walk into the diner an awkward distance between them. "Are you ready Archie?" Kevin asks. Archie nods then says goodbye to Josie and Sweet Pea and heads out to Kevin's car (Archie walked to Pop's).

When they arrive at the hospital, they wait for Veronica's name to be called. Archie looks through his phone not wanting to engage Veronica or Kevin in mindless conversation. "Veronica Lodge?" A nurse calls. Veronica, Kevin and Archie followed the nurse to the examination room. After the nurse does her necessary tests, she tells them the doctor will be in shortly. When the doctor enters the room, he senses the tension in the room like every other time. "Okay Miss Lodge do you want the genders for your babies?" The Doctor asks. "Yes please." Veronica says. "Alright Miss Lodge you know what to do." The Doctor says. Veronica lifts her top to show off her large bump. The Doctor squirts the gel on her stomach and then runs the wand along her stomach looking for the babies. "Okay I have a good picture of your babies here and can easily tell the genders." The Doctor says. "I'm ready." Veronica says. Archie focuses on the screen as Kevin grabs Veronica's hand. "Okay Miss Lodge, Mr. Andrews congratulations you have a son." The Doctor says. Archie covers his mouth with his hand as tears spring to his eyes. "Miss Lodge, Mr. Keller congratulations you have a daughter." The doctor says. Archie wasn't paying any attention now though not quite believing he is going to have a son in 4 months' time.

When Archie arrives at Tom and Sierra's to pick up Natalia his head is still spinning, and he doesn't notice Josie and Sweet Pea there at first. "Hey Archie, how did things go at the appointment?" Josie asks snapping Archie out of his thoughts. "I'm going to have a son." Archie says out loud for the first time. "Congrats Red." Sweet Pea says. Sierra comes down the stairs with Natalia who has just had her diaper changed. "Dada!" Natalia says when she sees Archie and begins to reach for him. Archie gently takes her from Sierra, and she cuddles into his neck. "I know I shouldn't ask you this Archie but what about Kevin's baby?" Tom asks hesitantly. "You are going to have a granddaughter Mr. Keller. Also, I don't mind you asking me questions. I don't like people pitying us." Archie says. Archie pulls out his copy of the ultrasound and shows them his son and then shows them Tom's granddaughter.

That evening when Archie arrives home with Natalia, he notices a moving truck at the house opposite F.P's house. As he's getting Natalia out of the car, he recognizes who walks out of the house. "Mom?" Archie asks. "Archie!" Mary exclaims walking over and engulfing him and Natalia in a hug. "I thought you weren't coming till next week." Archie says. "We managed to get everything sorted so we decided to move early and surprise you." Mary says. "Mama!" A voice says from behind Mary. Mary turns round and picks up a little girl aged about 3. "Archie this is Zoey Amelia Matthews your little sister." Mary says. "Hi Zoey, I'm your brother Archie." Archie says gently to Zoey. "Who dat?" Zoey asks pointing at Natalia. "That's my little girl Natalia." Archie says. "We play?" Zoey asks. "If Mommy and your Daddy say yes." Archie says. "Mary, have you seen the box with the plates in it?" A new voice asks as a man steps out of the house. "If they aren't in the kitchen probably still on the truck." Mary says as the man walks over. "You must be Archie." He says. Archie nods. "I'm Robert. You're Mom speaks fondly of you. I'm also sorry about your father." Robert says. "Thanks. If you make Mom happy, I approve." Archie says. Robert smiles and heads to the truck to take some more boxes inside. "I'm having Betty and Jughead over for dinner later you should all join us." Archie says. "I would love that Archie. I better get back to helping Robert. We'll be round at about 6." Mary says and heads back towards her new home.

Mary, Robert and Zoey arrive at 6 and Archie is in the kitchen cooking while Natalia is sat in her highchair munching on Cheerios. Jughead text Archie to tell him that they are running a little late at the register but should be there by 6:30. As Archie is dishing up the dinner Bughead enter Ally and Freddie clinging to Jughead's hands. "Hey Betty, Hey Jug, Mom bought the house next door, so I invited her for dinner, and this is her husband Robert and my little sister Zoey." Archie says. "Hey Arch, Hey Mary, Nice to meet you Robert and you too Zoey." Jughead says. "Hi." Betty says. "I was just about dish up dinner guys. I hope you don't mind Mac and Cheese. As you know I'm still learning to cook other meals." Archie says. "It's fine Arch." Betty says and Jughead helps the twins sit at the table.

After dinner everyone heads to the living room Archie assuring them that he'll wash up and clean when Natalia is in bed. They all sit in various places in Archie's living room. "Mom?" Archie asks getting Mary's attention. "Yes Archie?" Mary asks so he knows he has her attention. "I found the gender of the baby today. You're going to have a grandson." Archie says. "Arch, that's amazing son. I'm here to support you if you need anything." Mary says. "That goes for us too." Betty says. "I'll help anyway I can too." Robert says. "Thanks all of you. I wish Dad was here though. Its days like this I really miss him." Archie says watching the kids playing. Mary hugs Archie. "I miss your Dad too. I know he would be proud of you though Arch." Mary says. Archie just hugs his mom tighter crying into her shoulder.

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