Chapter 26

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Betty, Josie and Jughead wait for Sweet Pea to explain about the phone call he received. "Penny Peabody is back." Sweet Pea says after a few minutes. "What?" Betty asks in horror clutching to Jughead's hand. "Penny showed up at the Whyte Wyrm and threatened Cheryl and Toni." Sweet Pea says. "We need to all an emergency meeting. Betty, I know you'll want to come because you're Serpent Queen, but you need rest, so I want you to stay here with Josie and I'll keep you in the loop." Jughead says and grabs his jacket heading out the door before Betty can protest. Sweet Pea runs across the road to grab Archie while Jughead rides his bike to the Wyrm.

When Jughead arrives at the Wyrm its to a room full of complete disorder among the serpents. He stands up on the stage and smashes a glass (he'll replace it) to gain the attention of the serpents as Sweet Pea, Fangs and Archie run in. "I need silence from everyone while I get the whole story from Toni and Cheryl. I will not let Penny Peabody bully and intimidate any of my serpents. I didn't almost die for us to live in fear of that woman." Jughead says. "Cute speech Jones but you all should fear me." Penny says entering through the back entrance. Everyone turns to Penny and pulls out their switch blades. "I could happily let all of these guys take out your other eye. What do you want?" Jughead asks growing impatient. "I need your help. I need to disappear off the radar." Penny says looking bored. "Why?" Sweet Pea asks irritated with the song and dance. "I need to disappear Sweet Pea because Hiram Lodge and Penelope Blossom keep trying to contact me from their holes and threatening me." Penny says. "So, you came to the last set of people who are willing to help you and threaten 2 of them to get their attention and act like nothing is wrong between us. I don't think so." Jughead says pointedly. "I don't like this anymore than you do Jones. If I could go anywhere else I would but Malachai is dead, the ghoulies are in hiding from the feds and all my other friends turned their back on me." Penny says. "If we help you then you have to stay gone. Never return to Riverdale. Ever." Jughead demands. "Fine." Penny relents. "I need at least 24 hours to sort everything. You will stay here under the watchful eye of Sweet Pea and Fangs." Jughead says and heads for the exit to sort everything out.


F.P is stuck working relentlessly at the Sheriff's office trying to find the identity of the masked person who keeps killing and assaulting people. So far, he can't make a connection between those who are dead to those who were assaulted. This feels similar to when the Black Hood was terrorizing Riverdale, but he knows it can't be the Black Hood because both Hal Cooper and Tall Boy are dead. Charles has been helping him but they both keep hitting the same brick wall. It seems like the work of someone out for revenge on Riverdale but that could be a number of people for a thousand different reasons. F.P just wishes he could narrow it down even slightly, but he just ends up scratching his head. As he's looking over the photos for his latest crime scene again his phone vibrates.

Jelly Belly :D: Dad can you pick up some more Oreos and Peanut Butter? Thanks. Love Ya <3

F.P rolls his eyes at his daughters antics ever since getting pregnant she has had some bizarre cravings and the latest is Oreos stuffed with Peanut Butter. He received a letter from the prison where Gladys is serving her sentence in Toledo requesting for her to see Jellybean of course F.P denied her request because she doesn't want her mom knowing she's pregnant.

The Jones House 1

Jellybean sat in front of the TV just thinking about her unborn child and how she will never abandon them no matter how hard things will get for her. Jellybean knows that if Archie can do it alone but with help from friends and family she can too. She has been babysitting Peter sometimes for Archie so that she can learn to properly and efficiently change a diaper. Also, she can learn how to correctly feed and burp a baby. She feels a kick against her hand she is rubbing affectionately on her bump. "Hey baby." She says affectionately to her bump. "I love you so much. I can't wait for you to be born so I can meet you. Your Grandpa, Uncle Jughead and Aunt Betty are going to spoil you so much. Mommy may have to rein them in a bit." Jellybean says absentmindedly. Jellybean is drawn from her thoughts by the front door opening to reveal her dad with a grocery bag.

Jellybean stands up and makes grabby hands at the bag in F.P's hand. "Someone's hungry!" F.P says off handedly. "I'm eating for two." Jellybean says defensively. "I know. You can drop the sass now young lady." F.P says. "Sorry Daddy." Jellybean says. "Come here." F.P says and hold his arms open. Jellybean falls into his arms and cries. 'stupid hormones' she thinks.

When Archie arrived home from the Wyrm he found Natalia and Zoey playing on the floor with Natalia's blocks, James in his mom's arms and Robert in the kitchen cooking. "I checked on Betty and Jellybean while everyone was out. Betty had gone back to bed on Josie's orders. Jellybean was sat watching the TV in her house." Mary says. "Jug is trying to get rid of Penny for good without harming her in any way. F.P was at the Sheriff's office because of this guy in the mask." Archie tells her absentmindedly. "I know I wasn't always there for you Archie, but I do worry about your association with the Serpents." Mary says. "Mom you have nothing to worry about Jughead keeps us all in order." Archie says. "Archie I'm not going to argue with you but please be careful." Mary says. "Mom it was just a meeting and I had to be there because I am Jughead's third." Archie says and then storms upstairs.

At the Whyte Wyrm

Sweet Pea and Fangs are currently sat in the office with Penny keeping an eye on her. "Is that a ring I see on Fangy Boys finger?" Penny asks in a singsong voice. "I don't think that is any concern of yours." Sweet Pea growls. "I was just making conversation." Penny says. "Well don't as soon as Jones has everything you need, you're leaving." Fangs says annoyed. Afterwards they descend into awkward silence.

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