Chapter 17

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After their mini honeymoon Jughead started acting off towards Veronica and Kevin and no one understood why. Every time one of them enters a room Jughead either ignores them or finds an excuse to leave. Betty, Veronica, Archie and Kevin are currently sat in Pop's enjoying just being together when Betty's phone pings with a message.

Juggie <3: Betts, I'm outside can you grab the order I put in. I'm taking the twins to Dad's and then I must head to the Register. Thanks. I love you <3

Betty looks out the window and sees Jughead leant against the car and tells the guys that she'll be right back as Archie left for the bathroom. Betty sighs and heads to ask Pop for Jughead's order. Betty takes Jughead's food to him. "Jug I want to know why you are avoiding Kev & Vee. You've been acting weird since the wedding." Betty says. "I'll tell you later just not here. Dad is having the twins for the night. I have some work to catch up on and then we will talk. I promise." Jughead says. "Okay. I love you Juggie." Betty says. "I love you too Betts." Jughead says. Jughead then kisses her and she hands him the takeout bag from Pop's.

When Betty walks back into Pop's Archie is back from the bathroom. "Is Jug okay? He's been acting really weird lately." Archie asks Betty. "Yeah. We've both been busy lately as we have a lead on our story to expose The Farm. Plus, the twins are a handful now." Betty says. "I just feel like he doesn't have time to spend with us anymore you know or even worse like he's avoiding me." Archie says. "Trust me Arch, he's not avoiding you. We both stay up pretty late working on the paper and then we have to get up with the twins because they seem to have noticed if there is only one of us, they can use that to their advantage." Betty says. "Okay." Archie says not 100% believing Betty. "How about you stop by tomorrow with Natalia while Ronnie is at the speakeasy for that charity thing she is hosting. Jug and I aren't going because we don't have an available babysitter." Betty suggests. "I'm cool with that. I know how hard you've been working lately Archiekins. You deserve a break." Veronica says. "I'll talk to Mad Dog and get him to cover the center tomorrow." Archie says. Betty nods and pulls her phone out upon realizing the time she then heads home.

When Betty arrives home, she finds Jughead asleep on the sofa and his laptop open on the coffee table. Betty gently nudges Jughead awake. "Come on Juggie. Let's go to bed." Betty says. Jughead looks at Betty and nods tiredly. He stands up and puts his laptop away before heading up to bed. Betty follows Jughead after making sure she has locked up and all the lights are off. When she enters the bedroom, she finds Jughead sat up in their bed shirtless with pajama pants on. Betty changes into her own pajamas. Jughead lays down and opens his arms which Betty snuggles into. This is the position they fall asleep in.

When they wake up the next day Betty can tell by the spaced-out expression on his face that something is bothering him. "Jug, I'm worried about you. You've been acting way out of character. Archie asked me last night if it was his fault. I know something is bothering you. Will you please talk to me?" Betty asks. "I don't know what to do Betts. I saw something at the wedding reception, and I promised I wouldn't say anything, but it is eating me alive." Jughead says. "Juggie, if this is eating you alive at least talk to me about it and I'll advice you on what you should do." Betty says. Jughead chews on his lip for a minute and then sighs. "I saw Veronica with another person, and they were getting cozy. It looked like it had been going on for a while. I confronted them and they started spewing excuses. They made me promise not to tell anyone especially you and Archie. I'm sorry." Jughead says. "This isn't your fault. Who was the other person Jug?" Betty asks. "Kevin." Jughead says. "Wait. Kevin Keller? The same Kevin who said he had no interest in girls." Betty says shocked. "Yeah that Kevin. He said that he started sleeping with Veronica because he was struggling after The Farm and Moose and Fangs weren't around plus Joaquin is dead." Jughead says. "I know you don't want to hurt him, but you have to tell Archie. It's only fair Jug." Betty says. "I know I just don't know how to. Will you tell him with me?" Jughead asks. Betty nods. Before their conversation can continue there is a knock at the front door.

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