Chapter 5

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3 months pregnant

Betty stands in front of the mirror in the bedroom that her and Jughead share looking at the small but prominent bump in her midsection. Jughead walks in the room after finishing his shower and wraps his arms around her waist gently. "How are my babies doing?" Jughead asks. "Asleep at the moment." Betty says. "Dad already knows but I'm going to stay next door because Archie is doing the gauntlet tonight. At least he has the weekend to recover." Jughead says. "That's perfect because Cheryl, Toni and Vee are staying over tonight. Last time you were here with us girls you remember what happened when you fell asleep." Betty says. Jughead shudders at the memory. "Kids, you are going to be late for school." F.P says outside the door. Jughead and Betty head downstairs and have their breakfast.

At lunchtime Jughead and Betty meet up with Veronica, Archie, Sweet Pea, Toni, Cheryl & Kevin. "Hello Cousin, how is the precious cargo?" Cheryl asks. "They think my bladder is a squeeze toy." Betty says. Sweet Pea sniggers but a quick glare from Betty silences him. "Betts, you sure you don't want to go home. I'm sure your teachers will understand." Jughead says. "For the last time Forsythe, I don't need to go home. Okay? Good." Betty says while glaring at Jughead. Jughead puts his hands up in surrender and goes back to his conversation with Toni and Veronica. Betty starts to cry startling Cheryl, Archie and Sweet Pea. "I'm sorry Juggie." Betty cries. Jughead wraps his arm around her. "It's okay Betts, your hormones are all over the place." Jughead says. Betty cuddles further into Jugheads side. Everyone else at the table turns away feeling like they are intruding on an intimate moment.

After school Archie, Jughead and Sweet Pea head to tent city. Betty, Cheryl, Veronica and Toni to the Jones house. "Girls, it will be just us and Jellybean tonight. F.P is working late, and Jug & Sweets are staying at Archie's. Sweets technically lives in the back yard but still he won't bother us if he's with Jug and Arch." Betty explains. "I don't mind Jug's sister being around. We can bond with her more." Toni says. Just as Toni finishes her sentence Jellybean walks through the door. "Hey JB, your dad is working & Jug is staying next door at Archie's with Sweet Pea so it's just us girls." Betty greets. "Awesome, can we give each other makeovers?" Jellybean asks. "Sure, but nothing to extravagant because F.P and Jug would kill us both." Betty says. "Agreed." Jellybean says. Betty orders pizza and garlic with sides and soda. They decide to watch Avengers Endgame while painting each other's nails.

Meanwhile with the boys Archie has just ran the gauntlet as his last challenge to become a full member of the serpents. "Damn Andrews, I think that's the best reaction to the gauntlet we've had. I guess all that boxing paid off." Sweet Pea says. "Thanks, Sweet Pea, I just hope I haven't made my mom and Ronnie mad for nothing." Archie says. Jughead walks over to them carrying a first aid kit and a duffle bag. Sweet Pea takes the first aid kit and cleans up Archie's face and Jughead pulls a Serpents leather jacket from the bag and hands it to Archie. "Wear that with pride Arch, you are one of us now." Jughead says. "Trust me, I will bro." Archie says. Archie puts on the serpent jacket and Sweet Pea & Jughead pat him on the back.

Back with the girls they are currently giving each other makeovers and gossiping about the boys. A strange noise is heard outside the house. Betty and Veronica hear it first the turn of the lock on the front door. Betty puts her finger to her lips, and everyone quiets down. The front door bangs open and Penelope Blossom struts in pointing a gun at the girls. Cheryl, Toni and Veronica stand in front of Betty and Betty pulls Jellybean behind her. "Ah Veronica and Betty, two of the very people I was looking for." Penelope sneers. "What did you want, hateful shrew?" Cheryl sneers back. "Oh, look my hateful child and her jezebel are here too." Penelope states. "JB go upstairs and stay in your room." Betty says as she slyly passes Jellybean her phone and makes sure she hides it. Jellybean runs upstairs and closed her bedroom door behind her and placed a chair under the doorknob. She pulls Betty's phone out of her pocket and dials Jughead's number. "Betty?" Jughead asks when he answers the phone. "Jug, I don't have much time so listen." Jellybean says. "JB? Where is Betty?" Jughead asks panicking. "She's downstairs the Blossom woman broke into the house as we were talking about the twins and stuff. Veronica, Cheryl and Toni have Betty protected but they need back up. Betty sent me upstairs with her phone." Jellybean explains. "Okay, me and a bunch of serpents are on our way. We'll call dad too. Stay upstairs and don't let anyone in your room." Jughead says and then hangs up.

5 minutes later Jughead, Archie, Sweet Pea and F.P storm in the house. "Back away from the girls." Jughead says forcefully. "Perfect, the Jones boy and the Andrews boy are here too. We have unfinished business." Penelope sneers. F.P grabs her before she could do anything. "I've been waiting to do this. Penelope Blossom you are under arrest for the attempted murder of Archibald Andrews, Elizabeth Cooper, Veronica Lodge and Forsythe Pendleton Jones III." F.P says and leads her out to the cruiser. Jughead pulls Betty into a hug gently. Sweet Pea goes upstairs to Jellybean. Archie goes in the kitchen and makes a pot of coffee and a pot of tea. Once Penelope is locked in the back of the cruiser F.P runs back in the house quickly. "Boys, I want you to stay here tonight instead of next door please." F.P explains. Jughead nods and so does Sweet Pea as he walks down the stairs with Jellybean. Archie shouts his agreement from the kitchen. Jellybean runs to hug Betty and Jughead. "Glad you got my message that I wanted you to phone Juggie." Betty says to Jellybean. "Now I believe we were going to paint our toenails before we were interrupted. However, I now have a better idea." Betty says with a smirk. Jughead backs up a bit as he knows what Betty is thinking. "Nope, not going to happen. Archie, Sweet Pea I suggest we run and hide upstairs." Jughead says nervously. F.P chuckles as he leaves to go back to the station. "Come on Forsythe, you had fun last time." Toni says menacingly. "Jug, it can't be that bad dude." Sweet Pea says. "Right girls, I'm bored of this dance. Grab them." Cheryl declares. Betty grabs Jughead by the arm and shoves him on the sofa, Veronica shoves Archie down next to him and Toni shoves Sweet Pea in the armchair. They straddle their waist so they can't run and give them all a makeover.

After the girls have finished with the guys makeovers they step back and admire their work. "Well, don't you all look pretty." Toni says while laughing. "I tried to warn you." Jughead grumbled. While the guys sit pouting the girls pull their phones out and take photos all while laughing their heads off. Betty suddenly cuts off laughing with a yawn and everyone else follows. Jughead, Sweet Pea and Archie set up bedding in the living room, Betty, Veronica, Toni and Cheryl head to Betty and Jughead's room and Jellybean heads to her room. When F.P returns from work he sees the boys asleep in various areas of the living room with makeup smudged on their face. He pokes his head into Jughead and Betty's bedroom and sees all four girls cuddled in their bed with Betty's bump on show. He then checks Jellybean's room and sees her asleep on her stomach with the cover round her ankles. He chuckles and heads to his own bed to get a few hours' sleep.

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