Chapter 12

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6 Months Old

Freddie and Ally Jones are now 6 months old and at times they have been more than a handful for Bughead. Take now for instance both are currently teething which means that neither Betty nor Jughead have been getting much sleep. Betty feels helpless when all she wants to do is take away the pain in her babies gums. Jughead is currently at work at the construction site with Archie and Betty is out with Veronica baby shopping while F.P babysits the twins.

Veronica are currently walking around the mall checking out all the baby shops for items for their daughter. Veronica and Archie decided to find out the gender together and they were thrilled when they found out they are having a girl. The only thing they can't decide on is a name. "Are you and Arch still struggling to find a name?" Betty asks. "Yeah. We can't find a name that we think suits. We're thinking of waiting till we see her. However, neither of us likes that idea." Veronica says. "How about Natalia?" Betty asks hesitantly. "Natalia? Huh. I like it. Hold on I'll text Arch and see what he thinks." Veronica says.

Ronnie :* : Hey Archiekins, I know you are busy but I think we have a name for our baby girl. What do you think of Natalia? <3

Archiekins <3 : I love it <3

Veronica looks at Betty with a huge grin on her face. "He loves the name. Thank you, Betty." Veronica says excitedly. Betty hugs Veronica and her stomach growls so they head to Pop's to eat. When they get to Pop's they sit down in a booth and 5 minutes later Pop brings over their usual.

3 hours later

Betty is sat on the sofa with the twins asleep in her arms when Jughead walks in from work. "Hey Juliet. How have they been?" Jug greets. "They have been less fussy since I got home. Your dad looked after them for a bit while I went shopping with V." Betty says. "Archie said that Veronica text him a name for their little girl." Jughead says. "Yeah, I suggested the name and her face lit up especially when Arch said he loves it." Betty says. "I can't believe these 2 are 6 months old already. It only feels like yesterday when you had them." Jughead says. "I know, I can't imagine life any other way though. I have the man of my dreams. 2 beautiful children and I am studying online to become a journalist." Betty says. Jughead leans down and kisses her before sitting down next to her and gently lifting Freddie from her arms without waking him. Jughead and Betty put the twins to bed and then head to their own bed to get some sleep while they can.

Next Morning

Jughead's alarm is the first thing that Betty hears. As she leans over to turn off the alarm, she has the sudden realization that the twins slept through the night. Betty hovers over Jughead and starts to leave feather light kisses all over his face. "A guy could get used to waking up this way." Jughead says sleepily. "Morning Jug." Betty says. Jughead runs his hands over his face then realizes there's no sign of the twins. "Where are Freddie and Ally?" Jughead asks. "Still asleep in the nursery." Betty says. Then Betty stands up and grabs her clothes heading to the bathroom. "Get up Mr. Jones you have to be at work in an hour." Betty says as she leaves the room. Jughead chuckles and heads for the second bathroom.

After showering and dressing Betty heads downstairs and starts to make pancakes for breakfast. Jughead follows down 10 minutes later and just as he's about to sit down the twins cry. Jughead and Betty head upstairs to retrieve the twins and then head back down before the pancakes go cold. They place the twins in their highchairs and give them a slice of toast each. Jughead and Betty eat their breakfast in silence.

When Jughead leaves for the construction company Betty cleans up the twins and gets them dressed for the day. Betty decides to take the twins to see Veronica and have a girly day. At Veronica's Betty hands Freddie to Veronica while she holds Ally. "So, how's pregnancy treating you?" Betty asks. "I don't know how you managed to carry 2 and continue to go to school. I'm tired all the time and I am definitely carrying just one." Veronica says. "I know all about the exhaustion Vee. All I can say is prepare for that to get worse before it gets better. Once she is here you and Arch will lose enough sleep that you'll be wishing someone will help." Betty says. "You and Jughead seemed to manage okay though. I mean it can't be all bad." Veronica says. "Oh, definitely not all bad. I love Freddie and Ally and I would never trade them for anything. I just wish they would sleep through the night more. Now they have hit a faze where they think 3am is play time. I get up with them because I know Jug must work. Despite all that though they are the one thing besides Jug that I will die for and protect with all my might." Betty says. Veronica nods thoughtfully and massages her baby bump.

Betty and Veronica are sat watching F.R.I.E.N.D.S on Netflix when Betty's phone suddenly rings. Betty sees the caller I.D is an unknown number. Betty hesitates and then slides her finger across the answer button. "Is this Elizabeth Cooper?" someone asks. "Yes. Who's this?" Betty asks. "This is Doctor Evans at Riverdale General. I'm calling regarding Forsythe Pendleton Jones III." The doctor says and Betty doesn't hear the rest as the phone falls from her grip. Veronica looks at Betty. "Bee, Who is it?" Veronica asks. "The hospital." Betty says in a monotone voice. Veronica helps Betty get the twins in the cars and drives them to the hospital as Betty is in shock.

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