Chapter 7

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Unknown Location

Jughead comes round slowly and takes in his unknown surroundings. The room has 1 small window in the far-right corner with bars on the outside. A small bathroom to the left of the room. A small bed which Jughead is currently handcuffed to and a small lamp. The only exit being the big metal door that Jughead has a strong feeling is locked. As Jughead finishes surveying the room the door squeals open. A figure that Jughead can't quite make out enters the room carrying a sandwich and a bottle of water. As the figure steps closer it's then that Jughead recognizes them. "Mom? What the hell?" Jughead asks. "Sorry Jug, nothing personal. I'm just doing what I have to." Gladys says. "Seriously? You're doing what you must by kidnapping your 18-year-old son and keeping him god knows where when he should be at home taking care of his pregnant girlfriend. I don't buy that. Now tell me why the hell I am here." Jughead demands. Gladys doesn't answer just throws the sandwich and water bottle on the bed and leaves.

Sometime later Jughead isn't entirely sure how long as he there's no clock and limited light which is artificial Gladys walks in again. She walks over to Jughead and uncuffs him from the bed. "You have 20 minutes to use the bathroom. If you're not back in here by the time I come back, I'll drag you out of the shower and you'll be left naked." Gladys says then leaves the room. Jughead rolls his eyes but heads into the bathroom none the less. He uses the toilet and showers as fast as humanly possible. Gladys comes back in just as he's pulling his shirt on. She grabs his arm getting ready to cuff him back to the bed when he twists his arm out of her grip and runs to the other side of the room. "Jug don't do this. This is more complicated than you know." Gladys says. "Mom I am not allowing myself to be trapped on that bed for one more second without a fucking explanation. You at least owe me that." Jughead says. "I'll explain but first you have to understand I never wanted any part in this." Gladys says. "Fine." Jughead says. "Penelope Blossom found me about 9 months ago. I was a mess after walking away from you, JB and your dad. She said they'll come a time when law enforcement would catch up with her. Told me she needed my help. She threatened JB and said if I didn't do what she asked when the time came then I would feel the loss of a child." Gladys says. Jughead sighs and sits down on the bed.

The Jones' House

Betty and Veronica sit waiting for an update from F.P after he suddenly ran out with no explanation after a phone call from Archie. Betty is holding onto one of Jughead's t-shirts and trying so hard to keep her emotions in check. After 15 minutes F.P, Archie and Sweet Pea walk through the door. "Anything?" Betty asks. "Betty, we erm..." Archie starts but cuts himself off. "you what Arch?" Betty asks. "We found Jug's beanie near Sweet Water River but there was no sign of him." F.P says. Betty finally loses the battle with her hormones and bursts into tears. Archie and Veronica pull her into a gentle hug.

The first thing Jellybean notices when she wakes up is the tension in the room and then she notices her brothers missing presence. "Where's Jug?" Jellybean asks. "We don't know JB. No one has seen him since he left school to head to Pop's. He never showed up though." F.P says. "What?" Jellybean asks confused. "Jug is missing. We think someone has kidnapped him as part of a deal with Penelope Blossom." F.P says. Jellybean just silently walks up to Betty and cuddles into her side.

Unknown Location

Jughead sits and surveys all the different vantage points of the room to see if there is any way of escaping without problems. Gladys walks in and throws a sandwich and water bottle on the bed and leaves the room again. Jughead sighs although is thankful that she never cuffed him to the bed again. Jughead eats and lets his mind wander to Betty. He notices his serpent jacket in the corner of the room. He checks the pocket for his wallet because he knows his mother isn't stupid enough to leave him with his phone. He finds his wallet and pulls out Betty's latest ultrasound picture. Jughead puts it back when he hears the door open and then Gladys walks in again this time with cuffs and a blindfold. "We're going for a ride kiddo." Gladys says and grabs him and cuffs his hands behind his back. Then she blindfolds him and leads him out of the room.

They arrive in Fox Forest and Gladys forces him on to his knees and pulls the blindfold off him. Chuck Clayton walks out of the tree line. "Wow! Jughead Jones on his knees. How the mighty have fallen?" Chuck says. "Seriously? Let me guess, you're here to kick the crap out of me. I mean my mother is clearly trying to cause emotional damage by keeping me away from my family." Jughead says. Chuck just smirks maliciously and then punches Jughead in the face. After kicking Jughead in the ribs a few times and throwing a few more punches to his face Chuck walks away. Gladys forces him to his feet and puts the blindfold back on him before driving back to the location of his prison.

Jones' House – 24 hours after Jughead disappeared

F.P called in Jughead's disappearance to the deputies at the Sheriff's department. The search party started looking about 10 minutes ago combing every area of Riverdale that Jughead loves to visit frequently. Also, anywhere he may have been with Betty, Archie and Veronica plus Riverdale General Hospital to see if he was bought in at any point. F.P, Jellybean and Betty join the main search party in trying to locate Jughead as there are 4 different search parties. His family and local law enforcement, the serpents, pretty poisons and teachers and students from Riverdale High. The serpents are checking Fox Forest when they notice something suspicious.

F.P, Jellybean and Betty are checking the area near Dilton Doiley's old bunker and Sweetwater Bridge. F.P tells Jellybean and Betty wait by the manhole cover while he checks inside the bunker quickly just in case Jughead made it there. After 30 seconds F.P resurfaces without Jughead and a look of defeat on his face. They are heading towards Sweetwater Bridge and F. P's phone chimes. He pulls it from his pocket to see a text from Sweet Pea.

Sweet Pea: Can you take Jellybean and Betty back to the house. Archie will be there to pick you up. We've found Jughead! We also spoke to Mr. Keller and the deputies and they are on their way.

F.P told the girls that they were heading home however he didn't tell them why because he didn't know what sort of situation they are going to be walking into and Betty would want to tag along, and no way is he risking someone harming his grandchildren. 

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