Chapter 11

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Betty and the twins are released from the hospital 2 days after their birth with strict instructions to come back if there are any problems because although they are healthy, they were born 2 weeks premature. When they arrived home Jughead takes them upstairs and places them in their bassinets. Before leaving the room, he grabs the baby monitor. When he heads downstairs, he finds Betty asleep on the sofa, so he gently picks her up and takes her upstairs where he gently places her on their bed. While Betty and the twins nap Jughead does some of the housework.

45 minutes later Betty comes down the stairs and sees Jughead sat on the sofa folding a load of washing. Jughead hears her soft footsteps and looks up. "How was your nap?" Jughead asks. "It was definitely needed. How are the twins?" Betty asks. "They're sleeping upstairs. They will probably wake up soon and want food if their appetite is anything like mine." Jughead says. Betty chuckles and sits down beside him. Jughead finishes folding the last item of clothing and opens his arms for Betty to cuddle into.

After cuddling for 15 minutes they hear the cries of the twins through the baby monitor. When they head upstairs Jughead picks up Freddie and heads downstairs to grab a bottle of milk that Betty pumped earlier before they left the hospital while Betty picks up Ally and does the same. Jughead and Betty sit on the sofa and feed the twins and once the twins have finished, they burp them. Just as they are finishing the doorbell rings. Betty opens the door to see her Mom and Charles stood there. "Mom?" Betty asks. Alice doesn't say anything just looks at the baby in Betty's arms who is slowly falling back asleep. "Betts, Who... Alice?" Jughead asks walking up behind Betty holding Freddie close. Alice looks back and forth between Jughead and Betty. "When?" Alice asks. Jughead and Betty knows what she is asking. They invite her and Charles inside.

Once inside Jughead places Freddie gently in his chair and heads in the kitchen to make drinks. Betty, Alice and Charles sit down in the living room. "Mom, before you say anything. Yes, Jughead and I are only 18 but we are ready to do this. In answer to your question I gave birth 2 days ago. This little lady is named Alice Mary Veronica Jones and this little guy in his chair is Frederick Archie Pendleton Jones." Betty says. "You named her after me?" Alice asks. "Yeah Mom, I didn't think I would ever see you again. So, I wanted to honour you by naming my daughter after you." Betty explains. "That's sweet Betty. However, I feel that it's a little undeserved given how unsupportive I was towards you and Jughead." Alice says. Before Betty can reply Jughead walks in with their drinks. Jughead picks Freddie and hands him to Alice for a cuddle. Betty hands Ally to Charles for cuddles.

Around an hour later Alice and Charles leave and Jughead and Betty clean up the mugs and bottles while the twins are asleep upstairs. Once they have washed the dishes and put them away, they sit down in the living room and pick up the phone to order takeout. Before they get chance though there is a knock at the front door. Jughead opens the door to see Archie, Veronica and Sweet Pea stood on the doorstep. Jughead gestures for them to come in and then notices the takeout bags from Pop's in Veronica's hands.

Jughead brings in plates to put the food on and Archie dishes out everybody's orders. "So, B how's life with kids?" Veronica asks. "We can't answer that yet V. They are only 2 days old and we only bought them home a few hours ago. Although they are already very skilled at keeping us up." Betty says. Veronica doesn't say anything else after that. Betty looks at Veronica suspiciously trying to figure out why she would ask that question so soon. "V, Can I talk to you in the kitchen for a minute?" Betty decides to ask after a minute or two. Veronica nods and follows Betty into the kitchen.

Once in the kitchen Betty makes sure they are out of ear shot of Jughead and Archie. "V, are you pregnant?" Betty asks bluntly. "Is it that obvious?" Veronica asks. "No but Oh My Gosh! Have you told Arch?" Betty asks. Veronica shakes her head. "I know it's daunting because I was terrified when I told Jug about the twins, but you need to tell him sooner rather than later." Betty says. "I know, B will you support me while I tell him?" Veronica asks. "Of course, V." Betty says. "Then I'm going to tell him now." Veronica says. Betty nods and they head to the living room where Jughead and Archie can be heard laughing.

"Arch?" Veronica calls to him as she enters the room. Archie turns to look at Veronica. "Ronnie, What's wrong?" Archie asks when he sees the look on her face. "Archiekins, I'm sorry... I'm p... I'm pregnant." Veronica stutters out. "Are you sure?" Archie asks. "Yeah I took 3 tests." Veronica says. Archie stands up and walks towards Veronica gently pulling her into a hug. "I'm not going anywhere I promise."Archie says. Veronica relaxes into Archie's embrace. The twins cries can be heard over the baby monitor so Jughead and Betty head upstairs to sort them out and give Varchie a few minutes alone.

When Bughead come down the stairs a few minutes later carrying the twins who have fresh diapers on and are hungry. Jughead heads to the kitchen to sort out the bottles and Betty walks in the living room to see Varchie sat on the sofa whispering to each other. Jughead hands one of the bottles to Betty when he enters the room and takes a seat. They feed and burp the twins in silence. They then just sit there admiring these little people who they created. They are broken out of their family moment by Archie clearing his throat. "Do you want a hold? You are allowed given that they're your Godchildren." Betty asks. Veronica and Archie share a look and then both hesitantly nod. Jughead and Betty hand the twins to Veronica and Archie and position them so that they are holding them correctly and supporting their heads properly.

Bughead watch Varchie cuddle and coo over their babies and right there watching them Jughead comes to the realization that if he and Betty can do it then they can too. Jughead also knows that he will support them 100% as will Betty.

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