Chapter 41

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Weeks had passed since that incident with Itachi happened. Tsunade was already our Hokage and I haven't really spoken to her since she became Hokage. Not because I have a problem with it, but just because Jiraiya told her I've been through a lot trauma after my dad passed away.

So she gave me a couple of days off. 

I was currently lying on my couch with no pants on, reading a book to distract me from Itachi and my dad.

It obviously wasn't working well.

I couldn't stop thinking about why Itachi just told Kisame to 'finish me', what our next encounter will be like after this, and how this is going to work with our situation now.

I heard the door open and I quickly sat up in alarm, using a pillow to cover myself.

My heart stopped when my blue eyes were met with onyx ones.

We made eye contact and stayed like that for a bit, but then my face started heating up when I realized I wasn't wearing any pants with only a long shirt in front of him. He didn't seem to be bothered by this though.

My face then turned serious.

I didn't know what to say to him after all of that.

He stood there while I stared back at him and the silence was uncomfortable.

"So...what did you mean when you told Kisame to 'finish' me?"

I mentally face-palmed at how stupid I started our conversation.

"That wasn't directed towards you. It was directed towards the other three,"

"But Kisame attacked me too,"

"He was doing his mission. You do realize how suspicious it would be if he didn't, right?" 

I didn't reply and I realized I still wasn't wearing any pants.

"I'll be right back,"

I put the pillow back on the couch and awkwardly ran to my room to get changed. I just put on some leggings.

When I walked back out, he was on my couch and I felt less awkward now that I'm wearing pants.

"So, what are you doing here?" I asked him, sitting down on the chair across the couch.

"Well, the mission is over and my Leader said we're laying low for a while, so I decided I'd come to see you. Especially after all that,"

"Sasuke is in bad shape, you know,"

He didn't reply and looked a little troubled. 

"Why didn't you just go a little easy on him? He's just a kid,"

"Kasumi, that isn't something for us to discuss. Don't take this the wrong way, but I have my reasons and you don't need to know them,"

I huffed a little and it got silent again. I decided to push those thoughts to the back of my mind for now. I stood up from the chair and walked over to him. I could immediately smell his scent and it brought me a sense of comfort and security again.

I rested my head on his shoulder.

"I missed you," I said quietly.

He put his arm around my waist and I wished we could be like this forever without any complications.

"How long can you stay?" I asked him.

"I can stay for about a week again. They'll think I'm out training," Itachi replied.

I was happy to hear this. 

We went back to my room and we were laying in my bed for what felt like hours. I never wanted this to end. 

Illicit (Itachi Uchiha Love Story) *REWRITING*Where stories live. Discover now