Chapter 1

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I always thought that moving from the United States to London would be a piece of cake. Boy was I wrong.

Luckily for me, my five-year visa got approved quickly after a few complications, I had an apartment (or flat as the British would say) with my favorite cousin, and I was ready for my new job.

It isn't every day that you get a job at Burberry as a Human Resources Administrator. It took a lot of Skype interviews, essays, but I somehow got it.

For college, I moved two thousand miles away from my parents and siblings. At first, it killed me to be so far from them in a different time zone. But now I was moving five thousand miles away from everything I always knew.

It was scary, but it was also exciting.

Maybe I wouldn't live in London forever but for now, this was my home. I was ready to get to know a new place, get a new favorite restaurant, try new foods, and maybe come back with a little bit of an accent.

Truthfully, I loved London.

There was so much history here compared to back home.

I was starting to grow fond of tea, I loved going to different pubs, and I loved my job.

The hours were great, I loved my coworkers, and there were so many traveling opportunities across the world. Plus according to my coworkers, the longer you stayed, the better the job got.

I walked into Sydney and I's apartment, excuse me, flat.

Sydney was my favorite cousin who was three years older than me. She'd been living in London for two years and workings for the BBC. We were able to get this amazing flat in Kensington. The flat had an open floor plan, we were so close to Hyde Park, and I was in love with the place.

It was much better than New York City.

"Hey, Syd." I greeted her, "Fun day at work?"

Sydney looked up from her laptop, "Boring day today. It was more of a gather evidence type of day, but that's okay because tonight we're going out."

I plopped down on the couch, "We're doing what?"

"I have this friend and she going to get us into one of the most exclusive clubs in Britain," Sydney informed me, "So get out your sexy dress because tonight we are having fun."

I nodded, "Alright. What time are we leaving?"

"Half-past ten. They're meeting us here and we'll go to the club." Sydney explained to me as I stood up.

I stretched, "I'm going to go take a nap, wake me up in an hour or something."

I took an amazing power nap until Sydney woke me up to get ready. I decided to wear a sexy black satin bodycon dress. The back of the dress laced up and damn was it hot.

"Bitch, your ass looks amazing." Sydney pointed out as I walked into her bathroom to do my hair and makeup

"I know right?" I looked in the mirror at my butt. I decided to leave my hair natural and not blowing it out and give myself heat damage. I put some leave-in conditioner and a curl maker in my hair and called it a day.

Sure enough, about six of Sydney's friends came over to pregame with us. We took a cab to a club called 'Tramp' that wasn't too far from our flat.

I thought Sydney was being overdramatic when she said this club was exclusive but God it was exclusive as fuck.

Her friends had these cards, you could only be on your phone in the reception area, and the whole nightclub as fancy as hell.

A famous singer bought all of us around of drinks and God I didn't slow down that whole night.

"Sydney!" I exclaimed over the music holding a cocktail in my hand, "I wanna go dance!"

"Go dance!" she told me as some guy rubbed her thigh, "I'll be right here, promise!"

You're no fun.

I grabbed her ginger friend's hand and pulled her to the dance floor with me. She did dance with for a while and then I locked eyes with this guy who had the eyes of chocolate and dark brown hair.

Normally I wanted my men to be the color of chocolate but this guy just felt different. And I was drunk so I winked at him.

He motioned me over and you know what? Fuck it.

I shoved my drink into Grace's hands before I walked over to the guy.

"Dance with me." he spoke in that sexy ass posh accent

I nodded as I put my arms around his neck and he placed his arms around my waist. We got pretty wild to the upbeat pop song that was on. I usually wasn't one to grind on random guys, but tonight was different.

It was so different.

But I was in London and it was time to make new memories.

"You got me tired as hell now." I said to him

He made a face, "Is that an American accent?"

I nodded my head, "It is."

"I like it." he smirked, "Just moved here? On holiday?"

"I just moved here but I don't feel like telling my detailed history to a stranger. You might be the next Ted Bundy or something." I said as I looked into his eyes

He let out a small laugh, "Trust me I'm more familiar than you'd think but to compare me to a serial killer is bloody wrong."


That was probably one of my favorite British slang words.

"I honestly didn't think you would know who he was." I raised my eyebrows. He motioned me to sit down at an empty table that wasn't too far from the group I came herewith.

"I like criminal cases. I think they're interesting. Do you know about John Wayne Gacy?" he asked me

I nodded. Just hearing that name sent chills all over my body.

"I fucking hate clowns and just learning about the case made me hate them even more." I cringed

"Same." he agreed, "As an American, have you heard about Harold Shipman?"

I'd never heard of Harold Shipman but I just let this random guy that I met in the club tell me all about him. It was honestly one of the craziest cases I ever heard. I loved the way he explained it in great detail and with so much passion in his voice. He'd be a great crime podcast hoster.

"That's insane." I reflected on the story, "Tell me more wild stories."

"I have them for days." he told me, "What's your name?"

I fluffed my hair, "My legal name or the one I go by?"

He leaned back and reflected on my question, "Legal name so it's a little easier to find you after tonight."

I picked up the flower that was in the vase, "This is my name. Do you know the name of this flower?"

Sydney snapped at me, "It's time to go!"

I looked at the guy in front of me and I really didn't want to leave. I just hoped that we'd cross paths again.

I put the flower into the pocket of his shirt, "Figure it out and it won't be too hard to find me."

As I got ready for bed that night, I couldn't stop thinking about the guy I met and I hated that I didn't get his name.

How could I be so stupid? I could have had my own prince charming.

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