Chapter 34

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*Archie's POV*

I walked through the halls of Buckingham Palace with one of my sharpest suits on. My Father's assistant opened the door and I saw him sitting at his desk.

"Archibald!" he looked up from his paperwork, "How were Australia and the other countries?"

I sat down in a chair, "Splendid. We got to do a lot of really cool things. Plus the meetings this morning went well too."

"That's good to hear. Where's Alena?" my Father asked me

"She's out with Matilda and twenty security guards shopping for the baby. Which is what I came here to talk about you about." I began, "I know since you're the King you're supposed to know everything before everyone else so I thought you might want to know what your grandchild will be ahead of everyone else."

He took off his glasses and gave me all of his attention, "I'd like to know. It's been on my mind."

I gave him a smile, "The pronouns are changing in the National Anthem and the title of it."

"It's a girl?" my Dad perked up, "God Save the Queen?"

I nodded and he jumped up to give me a hug.

"Congratulations, Archie, she's going to be beautiful." my Dad congratulated me as he gave me a hug

"Thank you." I beamed as we both sat back down

My Dad just kept smiling, "I'm very excited for you. Do you have a name picked out? Is it your mother's name?"

"Not her first name, we want her to have her own identity. There's one that we're pretty much set on but we're not too fond of the spelling of it. We're working on it." I let him know, "I'm excited and nervous."

"Nervous about what?" my Dad asked me

"A lot of things. I don't want Alena to have any complications, but most of all I don't want my daughter to go through intense discrimination or anything." I cleared my throat, "Alena doesn't know that I have this plan in my head or anything, but I wanted you to know this."

My Dad frowned, "What is it, son?"

"I'm leaving this all behind if my daughter gets scrutinized or anything bad happens to her." I told him in a serious tone, "Alena has already had to put up with enough and I don't want our baby girl to have to."

"What do you mean Archibald?" he leaned back in the chair

I took a deep breath.

"I'm well aware that my daughter will be perceived as black. She's half black and half white. You see and hear how they treat Alena. There are already people calling my babygirl an n-word or 'colored'. I don't want her to grow up with that. Her happiness is worth more than a title and a throne to me." I told him my perspective of it

"Archie, you know there's no one I want more than you to have the throne." my dad brought up

I shrugged, "My girls come first."

"We'll cross that bridge if we get there." my Dad put a strong emphasis on the 'if'

He better pray that this world was changing as fast as he thought it was. Just because you're sovereign doesn't mean everyone thinks the same as you.

During the month of March, Alena and I still did a lot of appearances and events in Ireland and the UK. As she got further along, the more I insisted the less she worked.

I just loved to look at Alena.

There was something about seeing the love of your life pregnant with your child. I loved the late nights of feeling her kick or going to the doctors' appointments and hearing her heartbeat. We had her sonogram pictures all around our house plus Alena holding her sonogram was my background.

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