Chapter 6

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Archie's POV

After a ten-day-long trip, you'd think my father would be elated to know I was back. But based on his tone of the phone it didn't appear that way.

I walked into his study at the palace, "Hello father."

"Hello, Archibald." He took off his glasses a looked up, "Sit down in the chair, will you?"

"Do I really have a choice?" I mumbled to myself

My father went into his desk and handed me the photo that the trashy gossip magazine posted. I stared at the photo.

"Archibald, what in bloody hell have we talked about?" My Dad roared, "You are next in line to the throne and no one who is going to like a King who can't keep it in his pants!"

I rolled my eyes, "I haven't even kissed her let alone had sex with her."

"Archibald, what the hell are you doing?" he rubbed his temple as he spoke, "By your age, I was married."

I clapped, "Good for you, Pops."

"You have a year and a half to get engaged." My Dad looked away

I leaned forward, "The hell? Is that even legal?"

"Aren't I the king?" he asked me

I nodded, "Yes, not a parliament member or prime minster!"

He pointed his finger at me, "A year and a half, Archie."

"Who is the girl?" my Dad asked me

"I'm scared to tell you her name because you're bonkers." I refused, "But all you need to know is that I genuinely feel something with her."

I stood up, "We're done here. I'm only staying the night because it's so late."

"Is she regular girl?" my Dad wondered as I walked towards the door

I turned around, "She is, she's from California."

"Oh goodness, Archibald, is she from Compton or something?" my Dad asked which took me back

I frowned, "Are you saying that because she's Black? And no she's not. Her Dad's a fucking heart surgeon and she just graduated from Columbia."

He pissed me off so much.

I washed up and laid in my bed on my phone.

"Archie, are you awake?" My sister crept into my room, "You should be."

"I am, Tori." I confirmed. She closed the door and sat down on the edge of my bed.

Tori smiled, "Who is the girl in the picture?"

Victoria and I were pretty close, I was close to all of my sisters really. I think my Mom would be happy to know that.

"Do you remember the girl from the fittings that went to Columbia?" I asked as Tori nodded, "It's her."

"Is it just a physical thing or are you actually interested in her?" Tori wondered as she sat crisscrossed

I guess I did have a lot of temporary physical relationships in the past. 

I explained to my sister how we met and everything that happened between us over the past few weeks.

"So yeah, I'm actually interested in her." I nodded my head, "I took her to Westminster Abbey. I was just thinkinig what could be, you know?"

My sister's eyes got wide, "Like a ring?"

I shrugged, "Alena is just amazing. We're very similar yet very different, it just works. Her name is so close to Mom's and her name is Amaryllis, Mom's favorite flower. I just feel like it's a sign from God."

"Shut up, that's crazy weird." my sister was taken back, "But she is American, Archie. And younger than you."

"What does that have to do with anything?" I asked Victoria

She sat up, "Hypothetically speaking, that's a lot of change if you were to get married. Then she's young so what if she isn't ready for marriage?"

"Alena has family in the states. If she decides to fully pursue you, she has to move here, probably convert to our religion, deal with the media, and probably even more stuff that I'm not thinking about." Victoria explained to me

I rubbed my neck, "That's true."

She shook her hands, "Don't let that stop you from pursuing her. You never know what she's ready for and what she wants."

My phone buzzed with a text from Alena asking if I was up. I responded and my phone began to buzz.

"It's her." I said to Victoria

"Answer!" Victoria exclaimed as I put my phone to my ear

"Hey, Archie." I beamed as I heard her voice, "How are you?"

I smiled, "I'm well. I just got back in town."

"Tell her you miss her." my sister mouthed to me

"I miss you," I said into the phone

"I miss you too which is why I wanted to see if you wanted to grab dinner tomorrow night? You can pick the place, I need to expand my palate." Alena said in response, "I don't even care if you wear a disguise."


"I'd love to, Alena." I confirmed, "Do you like Greek?"

"I love Greek." she answered

"Good because I'm in the mood for Greek. I'll come pick you up 1800, six in the evening in your American time." I converted the time for her, "I'll see you tomorrow."

Victoria silently clapped her hands.

"Perfect, I'll see you tomorrow. Goodnight, Archie." Alena ended the call

I smiled as I laid back, "Thank you, God."

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