Chapter 32

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To be back in California was a good feeling.

The sunshine, the palm dress, In-N-Out, and having Aubrey and Alexandra pick me up from the airport.

"Well if it isn't the duchess!" Aubrey greeted me with a hug, "How are you? How was your flight?"

"I'm doing well, the flight was pretty quick. I slept the entire time." I looked at my sister and then at Alex who gave me a big hug as well, "How is college?"

"It's college." she replied, "And I'm loving every second of it."

On the ride to my parents' house, they told me all about the crazy parties, crazy professors, and all of the boys they were getting involved with. Aubrey was currently on a football player who was an engineering major and Alex was apparently really close to dating a guy on the swim team - who didn't know her true status.

I mean her brother did the same thing and look how we turned out.

"Do you think it's wrong of me to not say that I'm a royal?" Alexandra asked for my advice

For a moment there I almost forgot that I was technically a royal.

"Right now? No. I wouldn't say anything until you trust him and it's serious. You don't want some asshole to ruin your reputation, you know?" I advised her

Alexandra looked relieved, "You're the big sister I never had."

"I try my best." I grinned

After I married Archie, not only did my status increase but so did my parents. They already lived in a gated community but now they had cameras all over the house, alarms on the doors and windows, and a Ring doorbell.

God, I'm happy they didn't have all of this when I was in high school.

"Amie!" my Mom put down her whisk and ran up to me

I wrapped my arms around her, "I've missed you and your cooking so much. What are you making?"

"My famous blueberry pie of course." she moved away and greeted my sister and Alex.

"Girls, what do you say we help Amie unpack?" my mom proposed and of course they agreed

While we unpacked we ate my mom's famous pie nachos, which was scraps from her pie with a delicious berry sauce on top.

"When we're done, you girls should run to the store and get me some last-minute things I need." my Mom asked amid our random conversations 

I nodded, "Only if we can go to Target, I miss Target. I just have to find a wig or something."

"We can definitely go to Target, I love a good Target run." Aubrey agreed

"So where's Dad and Aaron?" I finally asked

Aubrey rolled her eyes, "Take a lucky guess."

"Please don't tell me golfing." I made a face and Aubrey nodded, "I finally come home and they go golfing?"

"To be fair they did make the reservations about two months ago. They'll be home for dinner. Where's my sweet son in law?" my Mom asked me

I put away the last shirt, "London. He had to go to a state meeting with his Dad today. Don't worry, he'll be here in two days."

"Good, good." my Mom looked satisfied, "Well, you better get to the store before it gets dark out."

I put my hair into a low ponytail, put on a hat, a sweatshirt from high school, and my glasses. Hopefully, my baggy look caused people to not recognize me.

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