Chapter 9

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*Archie's POV*

I thought my Dad was joking when he said I had a certain amount of time to get engaged. The amount of 'eligible bachelorettes' he introduced me to today was ridiculous.

"This one I really like." My Dad pulled me away from playing with a child. He led me over to a girl who had long blonde hair and a pink dress.

"Archibald this Miss Eva Kit, the daughter of Earl Kit." My Father introduced us

I gave her a small smile, "Nice to meet you."

She gave me a small nod, "You too."

My Father began talking about all of the things I've done and all of the things she's done. What was this? A job interview?"

I scanned the crowd and my eyes met Alena's. I couldn't sit here and talk about nothing anymore.

I patted my Dad's shoulder, "Thaks for introducing us, it's been nice but will you excuse me?"

My Dad stood there with his mouth wide.

"Nice to meet you Eva." I waved before I walked off. I walked over to where she was as my bodyguard followed me.

I put my hand on her shoulder, "Hey."

"What's up?" Alena asked me

"Do you wanna slip away?" I whispered into her ear. Alena nodded her head and then we walked into the palace. "How about I give you a tour?"

Alena nodded, "Alright, let's see it."

"For starters, Buckingham Palace has 775 rooms. 188 are staff bedrooms, 92 offices, 78 bathrooms, 52 royal and guest bedrooms, and 19 staterooms." I named off the top of my head, "It is pretty big to say the least."

"What's your favorite room?" Alena asked me as we walked down the hallway

I thought about it for a moment, "Probably the white stateroom or the ballroom."

I led her into the white stateroom. The walls of the room were white with gold accents, on the walls hung pictures of royals of the past, and some items of the room even belonged to them.

"Who is that?" Alena motioned to the queen on the wall

"That's Queen Alexandra, my sister was named after her." I answered her question, "My Mom used to read to us in here sometimes. We also eat in here with the whole family before occasions."

I watched as she stared at the ceiling that had great detail. I loved watching her face fill with amazement as she walked around.

I led her into the throne room which was very red to say the least.

"The chair is embroidered with my Father's name." I pointed out to her, "He got one made in my mother's honor but he keeps it in his room since it's not 'official'."

Alena looked at me, "I didn't really realize that your mom never lived to see your Dad's coronation."

My Dad had only been ruling for five years after the death of my grandmother. I wished my Mom could've lived to see his coronation and the festivities./

I looked at the huge painting of my Dad, "Yeah."

"So Ruth isn't a princess or anything?" Alena asked me

I shook my head, "I don't think my Dad could bring himself to give her that title. He really loved my Mom and he hasn't really been the same since she passed."

"I can show you our family portrait the year before she passed." I motioned her to come with me and we walked towards my Dad's office.

We walked in to see my grandfather sitting in a chair reading a book.

He looked up from it, "Oh, hello Archibald."

"Grandfather this is my friend, Alena, and Alena if is my grandfather, John." I introduced them both

I watched as he shook her hand.

"I didn't expect you to be up here." I started. He shrugged.

"Just needed some time to myself and it is nice to finally meet the girl who has my grandson walking on air." My grandfather stared at Alena and she smiled. "Will I be seeing you more often?"

Alena glanced at me, "Hopefully. Right, Archie?"

I smiled, "Definitely."

I showed Alena the picture of the last family portrait with all seven of us. I was seventeen, Matilda was fourteen, Victoria was ten, and Alexandra was only six. My Dad told Alena about how I was as a child.

They were hitting it off so well and I loved it. After thirty minutes with my grandfather, I showed her around the rest of the palace before we ended up in the ballroom.

Alena twirled around, "Archie, this is amazing."

"Isn't it?" I agreed with her, "Do you know how to Waltz?"

She nodded her head, "I was a debutante many moons ago."

I looked at my longtime bodyguard, "Gerald, why don't you go play something on the organ? Please."

Gerald kept a straight face, "Yes, Your Highness."

"May I have this dance?" I asked Alena as Gerald began to play

"Why of course." She agreed. I put one hand on her waist and held her hand. We started off dancing for real but then we just couldn't contain the goofiness.

I dipped her, "We won't even need to practice for my coronation."

Alena gave me a look, "Oh yeah?"

I nodded as I picked her up.

"Let's ditch and go explore." I whispered into her ear. I noticed that Gerald was very into the organ right now and wouldn't noticed if we slipped away.

We ran quietly out of the ballroom and made it to my Aston Martin car. We jetted off and not one paparazzi realized.

"Where the hell did this car come from?" Alena asked me

"I have two. The Land Rover SUV is nice, roomier and then this Aston Martin is astonishingly fast." I clarified to Alena, "I'm surprised you aren't asking questions about where we're going."

She let out a small laugh, "That's because I know you won't tell me."

"I have to go to Milan for a week for work, will you miss me?" Alena looked over at me

I smiled at her, "Very much so. When do you leave?"

"Sunday night." Alena answered me, "Literally tomorrow morning."

I frowned, "What will I do without you for a whole week?"

"You'll out soon enough, won't you now?" Alena smirked

I took her to Camden Market and while I had to wear a hat and sunglasses, we had a good time. There were so many shops and things to eat.

I loved spending time with her, but my favorite part of the night was finally getting to hold her hand. I never wanted to forget the feeling she gave me.

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