Chapter 7

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I was so nervous about dinner with Archie, but I was also so excited.

I decided to wear a black satin top, jeans, a leopard print cardigan, and tan boots. My hair was brushed back into a low ponytail, I did some light makeup, and sprayed on my favorite Chloe perfume.

"Are you nervous?" Sydney asked me as I put my earrings in, "You never really told me how you felt about him."

I turned towards her, "If he were just a normal guy then I wouldn't be so nervous. I'm just scared to make the wrong move."

"Alena, I love you but you kinda need to remember who he is and who you are." my cousin assured me, "How do you feel about him?"

"I actually like him. He listens to me, I miss him when he's gone, and we have the same values. He's a good guy." I expressed to her

Sydney shrugged, "He's also the Prince and the next in line to the throne. When have you ever seen a girl with brown skin like yours go public with a royal family member? Never because they're normally side chicks, I don't want you to be some dirty little secret. Maybe you should ask him about that."

I rolled my eyes, "You're being a bitch."

I grabbed my things and walked down to the outside of the apartment building. Even though I hated every word Sydney said, she had a fair point. How far would he even want to take this?

People could claim they didn't see color, but that was a lie. Everyone sees color, especially with high profile people like this.

"Hello." Archie greeted me as I got into his Range Rover, "You look lovely."

"Thank you, Arch." I smiled, "How was the tour?"

"It was pretty nice, I got to go by myself so I didn't have to worry about the stress from my Father or anything." he began to drive, "It's always good to roll up your sleeves every now and then and do something that matters."

I had a slight grimace of my face, "I know, I finally Googled you and you looked passionate about what you were doing. You speak very eloquently in interviews."

"Ha, that's nice to hear. I have been working on my speaking skills." Archie informed me, "Do you know if you're coming the summer closing for BP?"

I shrugged, "I'm not too sure if they want me."

"I'll specially request the beautiful woman who works in HR." Archie joked, "Do you think being with me is hurting your career?

I frowned, "Why would it?"

"I don't know, maybe cause you were seen with a lousy, ole prince," Archie suggested

"No one knows who I am though." I justified, "Plus it was only once."

I sighed, "I wish you could see yourself in my eyes, I hate that you talk about yourself like that, Archie."

"That's only because you haven't known me for that long or what I've down. I've calmed down a lot in the past months." Archie justified

"And?" I questioned him, "That doesn't change the fact that you're one of the most caring people I know. You're so wonderful, I don't know why you can't see that."

Archie looked me in the eyes, "Thank you, that means a lot."

"But it's hard to see something in yourself when your own father or the media doesn't see it." he continued, "I lost my mother when I was eighteen and I just kind of ran wild for a while, which I'm sure you know."

"I was just brought up so structured and I just couldn't take it anymore when she died. So I did do some wild nonprincey things that my father never lets me forget. I'm getting older, finding my purpose, and continuing to grow." Archie informed me about.

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