Chapter 10

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Being in Milan for fashion week was a whirlwind, but I honestly had the time of my life. Italy was a beautiful country, I loved my job more and more, plus I got to go with Emma.

However, I thought I wouldn't miss a certain someone too much but I missed him like crazy. Archie and I talked every night for thirty minutes just to keep up with each other.

I wished my flight didn't land so late so we could hang out tonight. It was okay because we had a whole night planned together tomorrow.

"We're about to board our flight and you're still texting lover boy?" Emma asked me as I looked up from my phone.

I stretched my arms out, "I miss him."

"Do you think you guys are going to get together officially?" Emma questioned me

I shrugged, "I want him to meet my family first and get their opinion on him."

Her eyes bulged out of her head, "You haven't told your parents about him yet?"

"Emma! Could you imagine? 'Hi Mom and Dad, everything is great! I love my job, oh, by the way, I kinda have a thing with the prince. Talk later?'" I mimicked the phone call, "That's not a bomb you drop over the phone. I've just been telling my family about 'this guy.'"

"So how are you going to bring it up?" Emma went on

I shrugged, "There's still a few more weeks to figure that out."

"If you say so." she sighed

We boarded our flight and I slept the whole two-hour flight there. I got home, showered, and I didn't even unpack before going back to sleep.

I didn't wake up until around one the next afternoon. I guess running off of less than four hours of sleep caught up to me.

I fumbled for my phone to see I had four missed calls from Archie, so I called him back.

"Finally woke up sleepy head?" Archie answered my phone call

"Sure did, how'd you know I was asleep?" I sat up in bed

"I called, Sydney, I was starting to get worried about you." my heart melted as he said that, "Moving on, what time should I come? Does six work?"

I opened up my curtains to let some light in, "That's perfect."

"See you then." Archie ended the call

Now I just had to find an outfit that screamed lowkey yet still hot. Sydney was at worked which sucked because I really wanted to catch up with her.

I decided on wearing an Oxford sweatshirt that Archie gave to me with black Lululemon leggings. The leggings made my ass look phenomenal.

My hair that desperately needed to be washed and detangle went into a slicked back, low messy bun.

When I got the text that Archie was outside, I slipped on white Air Forces and got into his car. He immediately reached over the seat to hug me.

"I've missed you." he whispered into my ear, "I was also looking for that jumper a few days ago."

"You should've known you were never getting it back." I whispered back

We pulled out of the hug and Archie began to drive. I told him the full details of Milan, all of the celebrities I saw, and all of the tea I got on them. Then Archie began to tell me more celebrity gossip that I would've never thought was true but he was there first hand for much of it.

Archie and I got to his house and the first order of business was to order pizza. I learned that he liked pineapple on pizza which caused me to gag, but we agreed on a simple cheese pizza.

"So do you all call them chocolate chip cookies or biscuits?" I asked Archie as he laid out the ingredients for our cookies

"A cookie." he laughed, "You eat biscuits with your tea."

I shook my head, "No you eat biscuits with your eggs and bacon. I can't wait to go to America to show you what things actually mean."

I pointed to my sweatshirt, "This is not a jumper, a jumper is something like a dress. This is a sweatshirt."

Archie pointed to my sweatshirt, "That is a jumper, love."

Love. He called me love. I'll gladly call it a jumper if you keep calling me 'love'.

"It's most definitely not but I'll let you meep thinking it is." I smirked at him

Archie looked down, "Uh I don't know if you've seen the tabloids but that picture of me with that girl is nothing."

I frowned, "What girl?"

"The one I was talking to at the summer closing when we made eye contact. With the blonde hair, her name is Eva." he explained to me, "My Dad is really pushing her on me."

"Oh." I got out, "Why?"

"He keeps reminding me that at my age he was married and that I need to get my shit together. He's been forcing me to go on these outings. I just wanted you to hear it from me that it means nothing." he went on

My eyes met his, "I'm happy you told me."

"I really value you, Alena." Archie expressed to me as he measured the flour, "I wouldn't do anything to mess that up."

I stroked his arm gently, "I know you wouldn't."

We stared at each other for a little too long. I really wanted to his him. I mean look at that face! He was arguably one of the most attractive men on the planet.

But I valued him too and I didn't want to rush things too much.

I turned away, "Let's make these cookies."

We ate our pizza, baked our cookies, played Just Dance, and then found ourselves very close on the couch watching 'Grease'.

Archie fell asleep during the movie and my attention was completely off of it too. I couldn't stop staring at him and stroking his hair.

I was completely and utterly enthralled in this man. He had every quality that I could ever want in a guy and sometimes it seemed too good to be true.

I wanted all of his.

The good parts, the bad party, the royalty, all of it.

And we were going to get there, I just knew it.

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