Chapter 3

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"Sydney!" I exclaimed as I burst through the door

"In here!" she yelled from the kitchen, "I'm making us dinner, what's going on with you?"

I leaned against the cabinet, "Do you remember that guy I was dancing on what the club? The one I was talking to before you made me come home?"

"The white one?"Sydney asked me as I nodded, "What about him? I didn't know you liked a little swirl."

"Believe me, I didn't either." I let out a laugh, "Anyway, you'll never guess who it was."

Sydney looked up from cutting the chicken, "Is he like a D-list actress or something?"

"Bitch! He's the prince!" I exclaimed, "And I saw him again today during work!"

Sydney narrowed her eyes, "Like the prince-prince?"

I nodded my head.

"Buckingham Palace prince? The royal family prince?" Sydney persisted

My phone buzzed and I got a notification from Archie that was on snapchat. I flipped my phone to show Sydney.

"Shut up, you're fucking with me." Sydney dropped the spatula. She took my phone and opened up the snapchat.

"'It was lovely seeing you today, so lovely that you should come to my party on Friday. What do you say?'" Sydney read to me, "Alena! We have to go."

I snatched my phone back from her and simply typed ok.

It didn't take him too long to respond back with the address of some house in Hampstead.

"He said, 'attire is casual'. The party starts at nine which means we should get there for 10:15."

Sydney just stared at me, "You've been here for a month and the prince is Snapchatting you. I've been here for damn near three years and can't find a guy to date for more than a month."

I shrugged, "Do you think it's dumb for me to pursue him?"

Sydney waved her hand, "Don't think of it like that right now. Just think of it as a way to have fun for now."

I nodded my head, "You're right. I'm going to go take a shower and try to find an outfit that will be here in three days."

"I'll tell you when dinner is ready." Alena shouted as I walked out of the kitchen

When I got out of the shower, I clicked on Archie's story. It was the fake Amaryllis flower from the club that I gave him sitting on a table next to Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen.

The prince obviously had good taste and I obviously left a lasting impact on people.

These next few days couldn't come fast enough.

"Emma." I walked into her office with tea in hand, "What are you doing tonight?"

I kicked the door closed with my foot before I sat down in a pink tufted chair.

"I'm not too sure, why?" she looked up from her computer, "Alena, do you know what I was thinking about?"

I shook my head, "Enlighten me."

"You and Prince Archie seemed to have a lot of chemistry the day we went to the palace." Emma began, "It's the perfect Hollywood storyline really, an American girl and the British prince."

"That's funny because he invited me to a party tonight and I want you to come with me. My cousin/roommate is bringing her friend and I don't want it to be too awkward, you know?" I explained to her

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